Thursday 20 February 2014

Saturn and Our Moon - A Pondering

Saturn and Our Moon – a Pondering.

 21st Feb 2014.

Hello Fellow Journiers.

As the planetary Dance amongst the Heavens continues it seems that tomorrow there is to be an interesting astronomical  event  n the skies above my hometown and the eastern  part of Australia. The moon will make what is termed as an 'occultation' of Saturn. Tomorrow our moon passes in front of Saturn during the morning between 9.12am and 10.15am (approx).
Back on the 12th Feb , Saturn cast its own shadow from the Sun across its rings as it entered a specific phase and alignment with the Earth and Sun. I wrote about this in a blog on 12th Feb in “Messages of Healing part 2”. You might like to read that too.

 From a spiritual perspective, what can I say? I am not an astrologer. There is barely mention of this occultation that I can find. Saturn has been giving us some things to think about though. The moon is a representative of feminine energy. Perhaps at this particular time, she is reminding us of this great force she holds as our relative orbiting guardian. She can block out a planet hundreds of times her size! It’s all in your perspective of course. 

Saturn also relates to the natural laws, challenges and obstacles in life and can bring turmoil to our own. We can see that reflected around us - and perhaps within you?

Jupiter has also been very prominent in our night sky for some time now and is said to be like a guiding light through the troubles caused by Saturn. . .hhmm. sounds like balance and assistance to me.

Perhaps Saturn has had some say in things happening here on Earth as it, among other things, affects change on the human institutional front. This we can see happening right across the world.

Now with our moon bringing herself into a clearer focus without Saturn for a short time, we can feel her feminine energies revisiting us unhindered and allow them to pervade our world at the moment, perhaps giving us short respite and to assist restabilizing and bring a gentle maternal balance to all things.Or perhaps for Saturn, there needs to be a break in its view/work with us momentarily to allow some rebalance. And perhaps the emotional side of the moon brings some fluidity, on some level, as she does when moving the oceans’ tides of our world.

So if the lessons Saturn brings are difficult ones, the moon as she crosses it, brings a reminder that she is always there with a maternal and emotional role to play as well.

I don’t know, and am only pondering. And perhaps there is nothing more to it than a curiosity of the heavens to ponder for yourself.

 Blessings on The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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