Sunday 9 February 2014

Messages of Healing. Part 1.

Mon 10th Feb 2014.

Messages of Healing. 

Part One:Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

As we continue to travel and explore our selves and our world on The Universal Journey we inevitably encounter life’s lumps bumps and hiccups. In this blog entry I am referring to our health. Many of these we curse and swear about, as is human of course as they tend to disrupt wherever we are at at the time and send us, if we are not mindful, into a spiral of repeated poor health patterns throughout life, as they arise. 

In my twenties I fell ill with several strong illnesses. At this time I had many huge life changes ocurring over the period of about twelve months, some simultaneously, that challenged my stress levels, eating habits and my work life, which were both getting out of control. It is only later that I realised the added stress that I put my body under. In its efforts to keep me going, as much and as hard as it tried, my poor little body began to malfunction, immunity wained and several major things happened at once. Now as I was trying to support myself I could not afford much time off work –two casual jobs at the time -, and also was too seriously enjoying a party life with good friends. Talk about burning the candle at both ends, I might now be considered to have been on a self destructive course. But the main reason was just pure liberation after a more tame adolescence. Anyway, at the time the space I was also in was one of denial to some point of the responsibility of my poor long suffering body. 

The first major result was a severe case of what I now know was glandular fever, yet I had been a mild asthmatic from childhood and also had numerous chest and middle ear infections. Living alone in my house as I was at one time with far-flung relatives and uncontactable friends – I recall crawling on hands and knees to the bathroom as the floor under me seemed to heave and sway like the sea through barely opened eyes. Such a state I was in! I used to pray a bit then, but also now recognise that greater Divine care was being taken of me than I realised, or was grateful for back then. I am very much appreciative of now of course!

Anyway, the point I am aiming at, is that from this terrible health pattern, over only a short period of time and even now into my fifties, it has been such a huge job to undo and improve my health standard and keep to that newer level. Unfortunately the repurcussions of this period of my life continue and show themselves a little more again as I age. I still often forget to keep my energy levels monitored, especially when I get carried away with my wonderous spiritual work. Yes, this work has been enormously healing and the greatest blessing in my life. But to the physical body, I must still pay my due attention.

If you know anything about glandular fever, you may also know that this remains in the body’s system for the duration as Epstein Barr. So at periods of low health levels or over exersion or lowered immunity, the phase comes in as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Yet CFS can also be a result of other high temp illnesses too and can also be related to fibromyalgia especially when there are aches and pain involved. Back in my twenties (1980’s) they termed a condition called Yuppy Flu or Syndrome, which I think is the same one. That was because it regularly struck the young upcoming generation as they threw themselves into high paid/classed jobs and partied hard as well, sometimes not just on weekends. But I didn’t even get to the ‘high paid job’ part! There was very little medical advice on how to treat it , let alone live with it for the rest of your life! And throughout life from then on, it is difficult to sustain any long term work as you are now chronically ill at irregular times, and hence lack of income becomes an additional stress factor (and ironically one of the causes of the illness in the first place). Very frustrating. And what is more frustrating is that people having this illness – almost subclinical in terms of visible symptoms – are often not looking very unwell at all except for signs that may be taken as just tiredness or a little run down, when on the inside it is literally a dire struggle to just get out of bed and dress ourselves, let alone comprehend a day’s work ahead of you. The mind-fog can be debilitating in itself.

And so this leads me to my recent bout of this recurring nuisance that has come up with me. Having hayfever for too long and then becoming a sinus infection – the CFS crept up on me. So what have I done about it? At first I went onto a usual helper – colloidal silver to boost my immunity. But things seems to have gone past that point. I had been using a nasal spray and herbal mix from my wonderful naturopath, but still the stubborn condition remained, it ‘went underground’ for a week or two, then hit me as a sinus infection with probable middle ear as well. Blaahh! So , as hard as I try not to, as I know that the antibiotics mess with my CFS as well, I headed to the medical profesion for relief. So I am now on antibiotics. 

But! I also recall how the last time I felt the CFS so severly I went on the Hay Diet with great results. This way of eating allows the bodies digestive system to cope with foods more effectively. And when it comes down to it, there is a lot to be said for a clear and efficient digestive tract when it comes to any chronic illness. So I look forward to results from that, even if they do take a while to become noticeable. But my body does respond well to it. Another tip for any fellow CFS’ers is Ayurveda. This was remarkably effective for me a few years ago when I found a good Ayurvedic doctor who prescribed herbs and diet, mainly for my menopause & migraine symptoms at the time, but helped stave off the CFS too. But she has since moved away and though I continued with the diet for some time, that also dwindled for me as I found other means.

Anyway, under this title of Messages of Healing, in a short series I guess you could say,  I would also like to explore other more spiritual aspects of my healing journeys as perhaps some  will relate to you too or be of some assistance in your own life, so will return soon with relation to our deeper selves, past life effects and more.

Bye for now with Blessings to you on The Universal Journey,

Starwhite Earthguide.

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