Sunday 2 February 2014

Happy Horse Year!

Mon 3rd Feb 2014.

Hello and HAPPY NEW YEAR Of The WOOD HORSE! to you all on The Universal 

Yes Chinese New Year has come around bringing with it the colour and dance of Lions in our public places and restaurants to ward off bad spirits and assist the new incoming good spirits for this year. Red is predominant as it is said to  ward of bad spirits too. It is also advised that we speak mindfully, and not utter words that are critical or negative as this augers well for the rest of the year for us.

As for people born in a Horse Year, they are said to be: energetic, kind and clever. They may be known to talk too much but are also perceptive, cheerful, talented and you may notice them as the centre of attention. They enjoy popularity amongst friends, having a good sense of humour and are also quite active at their work. Wood Horse people are strong and stable as the element of wood suggests. They have a gifted ability in decision making, very good communication and interaction skills with others and often find success personally as well as in their business or line of work.

The Horse Person’s lucky gemstone is beryl (such as emerald)
Lucky colour is green
Lucky numbers 3,4, 9
Lucky flower is jasmine
Most compatible signs are Sheep, Dog and Tiger
Most suitable careers are journalist, tour operator, entertainer, pilot, bartender, librarian or any other position requiring good communication skills and attention to detail.
Famous Horse People: Rembrandt, Genghis Khan, Oprah Winfrey, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Paul McCartney, Liam Hemsworth, Barbra Steisand, John Travolta and Jerry Seinfeld. And my husband! As well as several friends.

So, for those of you who are Horse People, look forward to a compatible year and the opportunities it can bring. Also, and for the rest of us, look at a stable prospect for your life with a little more attention to detail, communicational clarity and elevating toward a higher aspect of yourself. Keep your eyes open around you. Perhaps look ahead and trot a ways before you let yourself get into a full gallop. Keep your attention – even if intermittently - towards more noble and humanitarian ideas, philosophies and work where possible for a more fulfilling lifestyle. Some may feel an urge towards volunteering or care work for others, as they open up to the energies of this year. These are all also aspects of the more awakened heart since last year’s energy shifts and fall into place equally well as aspects of the Horse. Enjoy!

Love and Blessings on
The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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