Tuesday 11 February 2014

Messages of Healing. Part Two.

Weds 12th Feb 2014.

Messages of Healing.

Part Two: ‘Higher Vibrational Medicine’ – and Saturn’s Current Effects.

As we know The Universal Journey is about discovering, involving and encompassing our entire selves – from the physical to the emotional , the spiritual, the mental and also the more incomprehensible multidimensional self. The multidimensional self being the cumulative aspects of us, not only from past lives, but also concurrent ones in other time/space arenas. This can be a very mind boggling concept if it is new to you here. If your curiosity is aroused by this idea though, take a look into some of Dolores Cannon’s books for your own self awareness and mind expansion, there are some incredible things.

Above all else, and as our permanent contact with the Source or Higher Power, is the Soul and Higher Self – that part in us that is beyond our comprehension and more enormous and far reaching than we can even imagine. For we are part of everything, as many of you are aware, and so boundless in our energy form, yet restricted to an extent by being in a physical body in this 3rd dimension. 

Until now. 

Now I may have written this before, and I know my meditation group has heard it all before and you may have too, but during this incarnation, we have the immense opportunity to be able to see further than ever before in our Earth lifetimes (and others if we wish to explore), to view, experience and understand and also heal from, our previous lifetimes. At no other time in our human history have we been able to do this. And it is due to the enormous and growing numbers of people across the globe realising and accessing this that the world is evolving as it is. 

But there is also a place from which to view and understand on a deep level of our being, that all exists as one at the same time. You are here now. And so if you bring into your present awareness, the other pieces of your true identity from the past or from any other realm, then that is here , existing in the present too. It is part of The Universal Journey that we can follow this avenue of learning. Great opportunities to grow abound.

In this lifetime, our own Akashic Records are open and available for us to read from, to learn from and to heal from and to set a higher life-course for ourselves to a higher vibration of existence. This brings us into entire new realms of possibilities and releases old ideas of limitations and behavioural patterning. But it takes due effort, mindfulness and, as the character Mad-eye Moody from the Harry Potter series says: “constant vigilance”!

Now the world population is of course not all entirely up to speed with each other on this! That’s a bit of an understatement I know. But there are many on the leading edge of this momentous evolutionary wave, others riding along somewhere in the swell, others tagging along picking up flotsome and jetsome as they travel The Universal Journey in their own way, and still others who are really dragging along on the tail end of the wave as they fight tooth and nail to retain some remnants of the old outdated ways as their security blanket, or as their means of holding tight to their old idea of power. But the Universal Power is for everyone – within everyone. And not about power over others, but power for ourselves and to help others.

Now to assist all of us in this spiritual wave that we are all a part of, we have lots of ‘outside help’ as well as inside synchronised transformative processes underway. And by ‘inside’, I not only mean transformative processes of our physical world – government and economical structures, the medical and scientific fields, and so many other community services and systems. 

But I also mean our very own personal insides. As well as shifts and alterations in our physical DNA and other structures, we now have the ability to really change ourselves for the better, higher representations of our true selves. And to live from that more Divine reality that that brings. For to follow a path that brings you to recognise and embrace the bigger more complete you, makes life so much bigger and changes the old concepts entirely – paradigm shifts – that bring about further momentum to the wave and rise us all generally to a higher vibration. It consolidates ourselves on our purposeful and more aligned Divine path on The Universal Journey that we chose for ouselves aeons ago, and yet with an unfathomable conclusion.

And it is the wave that carries us to a new shore over the horizon. We can expect an experience full of greater peace, full of greater cooperation, full of greater means to create a more consciously caring world.

As to the ‘outside help’ – that is in itself almost unlimited (and actually not so far away). Apart from the Divine guidance of your own versions of help like Angels, Higher Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Animal Totems etc, there are things such as planetary changes, galactic waves of energy and pulses from the Sun and other more enormous cosmic bodies like supernovas. 


Today as I write this, Saturn is having a strong effect as it is  aligning with our Earth and the Sun as it journeys by and then will be able to be viewed from Earth as its shadow is cast upon its rings. Looking at this vibrationally, Saturn is like a gatekeeper to the following higher energies of the planets thereafter. As part of that, its rings are said to represent karma. Now as I have mentioned earlier, we are now open to the opportunities to release karma and all old karmic debts and cycles are becoming more and more null and void. So, with the casting of the shadow over the Rings of Saturn, there becomes a keyhole effect (which is actually visible if you see it as a composite image on an astronomical site from the Cassini spacecraft photography) to a doorway leading past any karma that is still hanging around. We have another opportunity (as we have had in the past and will again in the future)  to consciously access our Akashic Records and resolve and heal old patterns or behaviours which are holding us back from aligning with our higher selves.

This energetic opening will remain for a while, so if you are reading this later, it’s no problem. Just take a moment to be aware of this concept. Let it sink in and in simply doing so will open a new doorway within you for any change or new direction that is available for you. ‘What we think we can achieve.’ (sorry, forgot whose quote this is)

Now, I did begin this blog entry to discuss my own further healing paths. But obviously got sidetracked by ‘another hand’. There are people who must be in need of remembering some of the things written here and of learning a little something new perhaps. For all we really need to know is actually within us already, planted as a seed for when the time is right to resonate and align with that. Anyway, this has been good background and I will look at those other healing aspects again soon to write here. 

In Divine Gratitude and Love and anticipation of a Higher Future,

Blessings to you on

The Universal Journey.

Starwhite Earthguide.

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