Wednesday 26 February 2014

A Meditation - The Flame in the Lotus

Feb 27th 2014.

The Element of Fire – A Meditation.

“The Flame in the Lotus.”

Make yourself comfortable in your usual meditation pose. If you don’t have one, just sit with your back supported and feet flat on the floor, palms can rest on your lap either facing up or down, or lie down – whichever is comfortable. Lighting a candle or two and some incense helps to promote a peaceful relaxed atmosphere and choose an area and a time when you will not be disturbed.

Take a few moments to really feel your own presence, your body’s weight and position upon the chair or floor. This helps bring your mind in to your present moment awareness and with regular practice, reduces the mind chatter and initiates the meditation process.

Take a deep breath and let yourself sink a little more with each out breath , into the chair or floor.  Find your own breathing rhythm.

With your eyes closed, imagine that there is a most beautiful closed lotus blossom right in front of you. In your mind, take it in your hands and bring it towards you – nearer your heart.

Take a breath and gently blow upon it and as you do so, it awakens – slowly opening its delicate coloured petals . .. until there at the very centre you see its tiny treasure – a small dancing flame.

This flame is a Child of the Sun – a spark of Divinity, of the Source itself. As you watch it, it welcomes you and rises up gently, dances, twirls, flickers and plays. It recognises you.

This little flame represents the fire of so many realms – connected to earthly things and of myths and legends. It is the warmth and light of a log fire, it is the glow of a candle flame, it is the breath of a mighty dragon and the spark that fires our imagination, our love, our passion and desire.

Fire can mean the clearing of the old for the new, a purification, an initiation, the means of rebirth, or the ascension of our prayers to Heaven.

From the ashes of our old ways we can become liberated and renewed – an alchemy of our inner self. This little flame knows all this and much much more.

For now you will be taken on your own exquisite journey – for as you continue to gaze upon the flame you notice that something lies within. At this particular moment there seems to grow outwards, a pair of flaming wings, and the head and body of a bird – all firey and a-flame rises a Phoenix in all its majesty.

This sacred bird of fire is inviting you on a journey to its birth place. Its fire and flame are only warm to the touch as they are of an etheric nature and can be felt as pure love. Let the sparks fly across the heavens as you fly away with it – up , up and out towards the Sun of our Solar System, the symbol of the Great Source itself. Journey a while and experience your flight with the Phoenix. Enjoy. . . . 

When you sense that it is time to return, allow the Phoenix to fly you back safe and sound with new wisdoms of fire. There is a new connection with the Great Source and Sun – embrace a changed outlook – an inspired new passion, a great creative surge from within and let it too dance and play within you and from you, as did the little flame in the lotus.

This same fire burns within us – tempered and balanced, harmonized and aligned with all other things.

Now your Phoenix returns to the little flame and the flame reduces back within the lotus. That small solitary flame , no wonder that it dances! With its hidden wonders you have found for yourself and can revisit anytime you wish or whenever it may call to you.

Starwhite Earthguide. The Universal Journey.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Saturn and Our Moon - A Pondering

Saturn and Our Moon – a Pondering.

 21st Feb 2014.

Hello Fellow Journiers.

As the planetary Dance amongst the Heavens continues it seems that tomorrow there is to be an interesting astronomical  event  n the skies above my hometown and the eastern  part of Australia. The moon will make what is termed as an 'occultation' of Saturn. Tomorrow our moon passes in front of Saturn during the morning between 9.12am and 10.15am (approx).
Back on the 12th Feb , Saturn cast its own shadow from the Sun across its rings as it entered a specific phase and alignment with the Earth and Sun. I wrote about this in a blog on 12th Feb in “Messages of Healing part 2”. You might like to read that too.

 From a spiritual perspective, what can I say? I am not an astrologer. There is barely mention of this occultation that I can find. Saturn has been giving us some things to think about though. The moon is a representative of feminine energy. Perhaps at this particular time, she is reminding us of this great force she holds as our relative orbiting guardian. She can block out a planet hundreds of times her size! It’s all in your perspective of course. 

Saturn also relates to the natural laws, challenges and obstacles in life and can bring turmoil to our own. We can see that reflected around us - and perhaps within you?

Jupiter has also been very prominent in our night sky for some time now and is said to be like a guiding light through the troubles caused by Saturn. . .hhmm. sounds like balance and assistance to me.

Perhaps Saturn has had some say in things happening here on Earth as it, among other things, affects change on the human institutional front. This we can see happening right across the world.

Now with our moon bringing herself into a clearer focus without Saturn for a short time, we can feel her feminine energies revisiting us unhindered and allow them to pervade our world at the moment, perhaps giving us short respite and to assist restabilizing and bring a gentle maternal balance to all things.Or perhaps for Saturn, there needs to be a break in its view/work with us momentarily to allow some rebalance. And perhaps the emotional side of the moon brings some fluidity, on some level, as she does when moving the oceans’ tides of our world.

So if the lessons Saturn brings are difficult ones, the moon as she crosses it, brings a reminder that she is always there with a maternal and emotional role to play as well.

I don’t know, and am only pondering. And perhaps there is nothing more to it than a curiosity of the heavens to ponder for yourself.

 Blessings on The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Messages of Healing continued.

Sun 16.2.14.

Messages of Healing continued. 

Hello Again All on The Universal Journey.

There are still such tumultuous events occurring  across our globe, so I feel for those people in amongst it all and for those still trying to recover from those other events recently passed and ongoing. May the Higher Guiding Force lift you and soothe your Souls as we all re-align with the shifts of our Mother Earth and her balancing vibrations. Changes have occurred for our Sun by way of solar flares as many of us know, which in turn interferes with our communication networks and Earth’s electromagnetic field. But I also recently read that the Sun’s magnetic poles have reversed position, so it is no wonder to me that the Earth is feeling more intense change and with no doubt more to come. In writing about vibrational healing on an individual level, there can be no detachment for me also on the bigger global level as what affects one affects the other as we are all connected. Raise your own vibration and it will lift those around you. . .which leads me into. . .

I began writing Messages of Healing about the healing paths that I have taken and experienced throughout my adult life, namely in the treatment ( or at least the reduction of symptoms) of chronic fatigue syndrome and other illnesses. As you read this it would help to keep the previous lines above in mind. For as part of an effective treatment or result, this more open perspective approach can present a more substantial benefit to you, your Soul, and in assisting the Earth herself in our transformative process and evolution together.

This is my blog and just my thoughts, ideas and perceptions from my own personal experiences. I do not wish to imply that any or all of these will prove beneficial to anyone else. But I happily write of my own experience in case there is some glimmer or fragment that may catch your interest and create inspiration for your own healing on the Universal Journey.

The list of my ‘vibrational medicine and remedies’ is far reaching! And it is from an entirely ‘whole self' aspect that my care became focused – body , mind and spirit. Most, if not all, of these forms can be experienced at different levels of vibration and detail and can develop as you use them to suit your own changing vibrationary levels. These changes are a given constant in this era. None of these are a fix-all. And many of them were undertaken simultaneously. So I will write briefly on each. In general, in treating one element of the body, quite often other elements came into line as well, which is a magical wonder of Nature to me and always an inspiration! And I know from my perspective, there are usually emotional situations or traumas, past or present, attached to ailments or conditions. And then along come hormones and menopause to add to the fun! And then relationship healing is also tied in and encompasses much more than I have written of here. Often I find that healing an ailment leads to relationship healing as a natural matter of course whether intended or not. So, all forms tie in with many directions.

Chronic fatigue being such a debilitating condition, does not put the person in a state of mind to even feel like trying to recover. It brings on the mindset of needing to preserve as much energy as possible and replenish it as easily as possible too. And also, with recurrent low key infections of the physical body, and the often necessary antibiotic or other medications necessary, can exacerbate the condition and make you feel worse, or at least hinder any progress that may have come for you. Although these medications are so often necessary. It can be really trying in many ways.

So, at first, as I mentioned in a previous blog, I discovered the ‘Hay Diet’. Following this strictly, and with improved metabolism of foods and liquids, brought a big relief of symptoms and with that, a great upliftment of the spirit and a new desire to be present in the world again without such distracting energy level concerns. 

The Ayurvedic medicine and diet was extremely helpful in restoring my balance during peri-menopause.

I currently find that a suitable massage therapist who incorporates Reiki and a healing form called The Healing Code now brings noticeable results as she also works on the meridian system of the body plus the lymphatics. The lymphatics tend to slow and become sluggish, so active stimulation assists the drainage and release of toxins. All followed by a good very warm soak in a bath of epsom salts and lavender! Really good! For me, the Healing Code also assists the release of old behavioural patterns from subconscious imprints of trauma or experience.

Lavender brings me to mention another form of massage therapy that helped enormously early on – aromatherapy. The scents not only smell lovely, but work on a vibrational level for the emotional and mental bodies, helping to release stresses and accumulated toxins also. The best way is to use pure essential oils if you are using them at home in an oil burner and most people these days use aromatherapy often for many cases, from clearing nasal passages to bringing a calm aura to a room.

My connections to crystals has increased, developed, changed and proven very effective in my own self treatments over the years. I have them in many places around the house and am often attracted to one or more at any given time. I may sense the need to sit and hold them or to add more to create a crystal layout around me, or to just pick one up and put in my pocket for the day or an hour or two. I have also incorporated crystal singing bowls in my self-treatments which seem to have relieved some of my sinus issue as well as brought a raised vibration to my etheric energies and my home, which helps everyone else here too! There is much more on sound and colour therapies if you want to explore that way. I go with my intuition - and that is the crux of intuitive vibrational medicine.

I also have a medicine pouch which I used to wear regularly. It is of Native American culture (of which I have been very spiritually connected with) and holds little trinkets that have ‘blown’ in to me, or felt the urge to keep close. The medicine pouch can also be ‘tasked’ , as can clear quartz crystals, with a ‘healing mission’ for you. Just put one together, hold it as you cleanse it and yourself with white or golden light and ask for help and guidance on an issue then just keep it around your neck or in a pocket or a safe place in your most constant view. But just let it be and let it go to its work. In this same way I have asked for help from many deities and spiritual healers. Usually not all at once! But as I things have arisen I ask whomever has been guided to me at the time.

Lao Tze (or Lao Tzu) came most strongly as I began my tuition in the multilevel practice of Qigong. That is a very long story, but this tai-chi’ related practice is one of the most significant and effective forms of healing for the body mind and spirit! It involves gentle slow movements of the body in very simple yet powerful ways as the qi (chi) or life force energy is assisted through the meridians of the body. So for chronic fatiguer’s this is a magical form of building energy levels without the need for strenuous exercise. It incorporates a wonderful combination of breathing technique, mind –body focus and improved general posture, body flexibility and function. I found such a resonance with the energies of this form that I have now been teaching it for many years.

Which leads me to meditation. This can be a challenge if you have never done this  amazing life-enhancer for yourself. If possible, find a suitable teacher, even if it takes a few tries. You may not resonate with some of their ways as we are all very individual. And this individuality is necessary in this current era too as there are such variations in vibration and techniques available to suit during our energy shifts. Let yourself explore and find its own best way. Incorporate deep breathing and stillness, peace and calm yet also a quiet alertness to any sensations of yourself on any level. Carry and retain this level for as long as possible during your daytime activities until your next session. Once you have a routine of your own it also brings a sense of quiet gentle power to your self esteem which is usually in dire need of treating as well during and after long illness. Lately I have been using a CD from the White Eagle range from here in the Qld, called ‘Cellular Alchemy’ to great effect also. For me this really gets into the  deep cellular level of healing and leaves me feeling refreshed, deeply balanced and attuned. 

Well, I think that covers quite a lot. I am sure I will recall others later, but I hope there can be found some inspiration or new idea for you to try  yourself. There are immeasurable forms of healing to explore. Yet results always come down to you, yourself, and what is right for you may differ to another and from one time of your life to another. We are all trying to do the best we can with what we have and from where we have come, but hopefully as I do, with a higher view and more divine concept of our future. My healing journey continues of course. There is lots to consider and every day brings a new focus.

But when it comes down to it, you are your own intrinsic healer and so much is just waiting to be released from inside. Sometimes we need to get out of our own way and stop hindering the process. Once the old is released then everything becomes lighter, easier – breathing, moving, living! It is amazing what new opportunities arise for you then and the synchronicites can abound.

And the most potent intrinsic force at our disposal is love, in all its forms

 – for yourself as well as others.

It is the master key to happiness as the Buddha says.

It can all begin by looking within and keeping it simple is usually the best way too.

In later blogs I will look at the Dolores Cannon method of hypnotherapy in healing, Shamanic ways and others.

Wishing you well and happy on your own healing path.

Starwhite Earthguide. 

The Universal Journey.