Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Vibes for 1st January 2014

1st January 2014.
New Years Greetings Dear People!

Happy New Vibrations for a New Year on The Universal Journey. 

2014 arrived a bit noisily around here, but with great enthusiasm at least!

I would just like to take a few moments to look at a couple of things that line up for today which are interesting and let you move on with perhaps recovering. . . I am a bit bleary-eyed from lack of sleep myself, so forgive any typos or slight confusion of words!

Firstly the date/numerology - I must add here though, that after learning about the meanings of numbers, they also show certain character traits of their own for me which may differ from the usual, especially depending on their context with each other, so I hope those of you who do traditional numerology can just bear with that.
1.1.2014 = 1 + 1+ 7 = 9
The two ones denote initial, beginnings, individuality etc, so that is no big surprise as we begin the year. There being two ones though also create a doorway or gateway - usually offered for those who recognise that and sit in meditation and visualise passing through this as a means of great illumination in which ever way is suitable for the recipient. Most powerful also to be able to do this in this particular moon phase as there is added liberation. The 2 , as general vibration during this era denotes the feminine aspect we have been in since the year 2000. The zero as a circle, an opportunity for completions once again; cycle of life and the constant aura of The Almighty or Divine Consciousness. Another 1 after the zero can be seen as being able to have the vibes of the zero reflecting onto the Self. The 4 alone can also denote endings amongst other things, yet the surrounding numbers tend to blend that all into the ultimate year number . . .  2=0=1=4= 7. The 7 I have always sensed as the number of the Spirit. So where last year was the 6 of the Heart - 7 to me denotes a year of the Spirit and all that that encompasses for each of us. Then we come to the 9. Nine is the end of a cycle, the completion of a series. But also for me and my association with numbers, 9 denotes  reference to past lifetimes. So from this I say, don't be surprised if there arises some past life concepts or qualities encroaching on your dream state or into your day to day activities and conscious awareness. As some people went through the 'Who Am I' arising from last September's Equinox, some others may now find that more prominent for themselves because of this numerical element. Just make a note and meditate on that for yourself. It is only a possibility, but might put some things into perspective for you later. It may not mean an issue is arising - but some positive aspect of your former self to empower you at this time. Just keep that in mind. Remember, it is also a time of re-finding ourselves so that we become more complete and whole as a person to take us more fully aware of who we are and what we can do and have chosen to do , prior to incarnation,  into this Golden Age - so this is all a part of that too.

The other thing I notice, is that tonight is calendared as the New Moon. New Moon -New Year - hence a double renewing! But also most pertinent is the New Moon effect. As it comes, we are able to find a great relief in its absence - this is a good time to be really letting go of old stale ideas, habits, projects that are just not working, attitudes that are not working either. This has a great liberating effect for the Spirit (7) so that you can move much more freely and refreshed and unburdened into the coming year. Relinquish whatever may be holding you back and find a new freedom for yourself and let your Spirit rise to the occasion - whatever and whenever that may arise!

So with the 2 sets of doubles - 2 x 1 and New Moon new Year = expect changes and releases to come whether we are prepared or not, I think! The doorway effect leads directly into the Spirit aspect which can be of significance to people beginning this  year.  Lots in the numbers is amplified by the effect of the New Moon and in its absence we can find a new liberation for ourselves . . .it is always a choice of course. But, if your Soul has chosen to do so without your conscious awareness, it will occur anyway. Do not be concerned as it is all for your highest good always. Another reason to meditate and find out more about your self!

I haven't looked into the Chinese New Year aspects yet, but that may bring in more of a picture for you too.

So Beloveds,
fare well as we begin and step out on another leg of The Universal Journey. . .smooth travelling to you! Onwards and Upwards!

Starwhite Earthguide.

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