Thursday 9 January 2014

A Little Help

A Little Help.

10th Jan 2014.

Hello Dear Ones on The Universal Journey.
Today I would like to extend prayers and healing light energy to those areas of our world who are having such a difficult time of things at the moment. 

The ripples of movement of our planet and with hers and our ongoing awakenings and vibration-raising causes such movements in our Earth and weather patterns which to us here amongst it, seem random and chaotic and so unexpected. We as earthlings across the globe can only hold on for the ride when Mother Nature has her moments of  shrugging off and cleansing and re-aligning of her own self to be brought into balance. She is forever needing to rebalance.

(I know for many reading this, it is not news to you. But sometimes we all need a little reminding if we lose sight of the bigger picture, at one time or another.)

So for ourselves – what can we do ?  For those not in such serious situations – take time to find a point of balance within yourself. We are totally connected to the movements of our planet that both individually and en mass , we can help make a difference. Find a peaceful place to pause for a time, a calm state of mind, a tranquil state of being , for if only a few minutes. But just do this regularly, daily or more than once weekly if possible. Send your awareness deep into our Earth like the roots of a tree. Allow yourself to align with her and it will help alleviate the resistance you will feel if anything unexpected occurs around you, in your own environment. Qigong or Tai Chi practise is excellent for that. Then once you have finalised your own balancing practice of movements or stillness, ask or envision that same balance and calm be directed to the areas and people in need of the same. Now is also a good time to do this here in Aus, as we are about to come into the usual summer storm season, thus as a preventative measure - you never know how much good we can do beforehand to alleviate the results!

For Reiki and any other form of healers and practitioners of course, it is a natural course of action to send healing to the Souls affected and their environment to be healed and settled. Compassion comes in when trauma arises, as we are all connected, and it is for the benefit of the entire world when we extend our vibrations of love and compassion and healing. For what we give out is also reflected back to us in one way or another, at some time or another.

So for those people the Southern Hemisphere still in or recovering from the storms or bushfires here in Australia;    to those in the Northern Hemisphere -  for those caught in the severe stormy seas and weather of the U.K.;  with the severe cold, snow and ice in the U.S.;  the ongoing trauma surrounding the radiation leakage at Fukishima; to the also ongoing trauma effected areas of the Phillipines after their huge cyclone; (and any other areas in need that I have not mentioned) – I ask that swift resolution and balance come for you and for those areas. People everywhere include you in their prayers and their awareness of your situation and care.

Be aware that we also have Divine Friends everywhere who are there to assist  on many levels . . . all you need to do is ask.

Be Well All on
The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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