Saturday 28 December 2013

Crowning Glory. How will you enter 2014?

Sun 29 Dec 2013.  

Crowning Glory. How will you enter 2014?

The Universal Journey for 2013 closes and we prepare for the New Mystery of 2014.

Greetings Fellow Journeyers!

The hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season wanes; the different feeling of anticipation of the New Year’s Eve begins and leads us into the Dawn of the New Year. 

How will you enter this New Year? How will your vibration be? Will you enter on a new note of Balance and Alignment within yourself and within your new world? (For we have all created a little newer world for ourselves throughout this one!) Take a little time to ponder these things. Do you wish to remain as you were during 2013? Will you deliberate upon and maintain as closely as possible, your higher vibration, centred more from your High Heart chakra, your more open and aligned Third Eye and Crown? Yet still maintain that constant and revitalisingly necessary, Base, Soles and Earth Star chakra link? Hhmmm a balancing act indeed! Yet simple to meditate upon and find a means for its rectification and adjustment, if you do so mindfully.

Ponder this term for a moment – CROWN. Let the images flow from just the word. Does it not conjure a golden circular precious jewel or crystal encrusted form? Even if originally from a more distant age, and of a most significant essence of might and empowerment. . . but, we ALL have a Crown. It is a natural part of our design, our form, a part of our head. We are all in the era – the Alchemical Golden Era - of enabling ourselves to wear this crown. Of course not for ruling over others. . . but for the higher esteem , self-compassion, love and guidance we invest and can be guided by within ourselves for our own Highest Good and to carry us forward on The Universal Journey. It is not about worth, nor devaluing self or others, but coming into a more complete awareness of who you are and what you are capable of becoming – so much more!

Polish that crown, dust it off if you’ve been keeping it hidden or totally forgotten about it! It’s place is upon your head – it encircles the area in which the cosmic energies from the Great Sea of Love may enter your self, through your Soul Star Chakra above your head. Imagine this Loving Divine energy from the Cosmos, the Source, passing down, focused into your Soul Star Chakra and delivered gently and gradually at first, down through your Crown and Third Eye and then dispersed down through the rest of your chakra system and out through your feet-soles , down into your Earth Star Chakra and beyond to nourish Mother Earth at the same time. What a wonderful mystical, yet also balancing and aligning process. Try it again, and just let yourself dwell momentarily in this beautiful aura of Loving Light that has been enhanced by your conscious awareness of your own Crown upon your head and now, allow it to flow more strongly to and fill and then out through your Heart and High Heart, to surround you and all who may be near you – for the Highest Good of All. 

Remind yourself throughout your days that the crown – this golden symbol - sits atop your head as a very private sign for your own self empowerment of yourself, of your ability to maintain your balance, your Divine connections, your Higher purpose and alignment to that, thereby allowing the clear and defined reign of your Highest Self and the Source of Love. 

And crown your year’s end with a momentous private occasion in your own quiet meditative time: time to ponder and ask about the year to come; what preparations you may need to do; what there may lie in store for you and your loved ones. Let yourself also cast a parting glance back over your shoulder to the last 12 months and how that journey has lead you up to this very time and place in which you find yourself now. For better or worse, it has all been for you! It has all been for your Soul’s benefit in some form or another, whether you can see that or not. Now, if you want to change that for the coming year – change your mind, change your aspect, change your outlook and recall that Crowning Glory on your head as your means of achieving and glorifying your Divine Nature. Not always easy, but always an option.

So, Divine Love and Blessings Dear Ones on The Universal Journey.

Starwhite Earthguide signing off for now.

May Peace reign and open-hearts be yours into the doorway and throughout 2014 
and I look forward to writing more on the numerology and aura of this in future postings. 
Farewell 2013, the Year of the Heart as you send ripples for us into the future
Thank you!

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