Monday 30 December 2013

31st Dec 2013.

Tuesday 31st Dec 2013.

Hello Good People.

I write a final note for 2013 on The Universal Journey and hope that you are all doing very very well as you make your way through this world with its many levels of amazing existence; with its infinite variety of characters and personalities; with its unlimited scope of potential; and with its awesome panorama of such wide-ranging life-forms and natural wonders!

We live in an awesome world full of colour, life, vibration and pattern. All of which is constantly changing – such is the nature of life and evolution and The Universal Journey that we each chose to undertake and be a part of. This lifetime, as different from all past others, has gifted us with the capacity to grasp concepts of great open vision upon ourselves, to learn exactly who we are, where we came from and who else lives around our Solar System, Galaxy and Universe and its multiple levels.
We have all come here to learn, to participate, to help grow individually and in group formations. We are creatures of boundless reach and form – once you allow yourself to truly discover this as you grow in meditative contemplation of such esoteric things. Yet not be too distracted from the great practical use that can come of these discoveries and cement them into the physical world around you. For that is also of the Divine plan – to bring into this realm vibrations of change and enlightenment for the assistance, upliftment and renewed balance of nature in all its forms; including that of our Earth and ourselves.

Truly even the wheel of karma itself has been altered, slowed, compressed. Whether you choose or not to continue with this idea – it is falling away as the higher vibrations, which ourselves and loving Beings around and outside our planet have been helping to raise, as Mother Earth herself raises.It is part of the illusionary world being left behind. All you need do is choose that. Karma is itself becoming shorter lived, more instantaneous, so that soon the term “Be Fully Present In The Moment” will become the worldwide norm, not just one for the few who are aware of it.
Imagine creating this world such as that, where everyone lives in the present moment with no fear of what the future holds and no fears carried from the past. Each person, each Soul, living and thinking in the present moment, intuitively, constantly, co-creating a perfect world from the Heart of Life, the Heart of Love , and from that Divine Place that only comes with acute clarity of purpose and alignment with our Divine purpose, on an individual as well as worldwide level. Hence the multi-levels of existance open much further! The multi-levels of ourselves open much further! And we have even deeper access to our previously hidden qualities, gifts and unlimited potential! What a Divine World and opportunity to discover!

It is all there just waiting to be chosen.

So Dear Ones, I know that this Being who writes here for you will be taking a few moments today to contemplate a new world – whatever 2014 brings.

I plan to create a Medicine Wheel from my crystals and sit myself within it.  I will look to my Ancestors, both of this life-time and from my past and I will meet with them, lovingly as always, and review a little and learn a little and let go of a little and attempt to bring myself into a clearer aspect of where I am and what I am heading towards. The ‘who am I’ aspect was most pronounced and integrated already this year for myself, as with many others also, so that will undoubtedly assist in the coming months with whatever lies ahead.

So The Universal Journey continues as ever, onwards and upwards. Take care, of yourself and others. Smile and laugh a lot. Take time to drink in Mother Nature's wonders and let that fill your Hearts. Keep your eyes and ears forward and let your footsteps show the definition of your way. Breathe, move, relax, replenish. Live a bigger life.

Blessings to you all.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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