Monday 29 July 2013

Glistening Tree

Glistening Tree.
The sight that greeted me as I first looked out this morning was a glistening tree.
It is a large gumtree that is in the yard of a neighbour some distance out from my door. It stands with half its height above the nearer trees in my bushy view.Steady light rain had fallen and the result was a collection of glistening shimmering diamond-like sparkles scattered throughout this tree that twinkled in the early morning breeze.
I have seen this happen before.
No other tree does this. No other tree near me, in my yard nor around the neighbourhood does this. And I don’t know if anyone else even sees this but me. I take the image for my own. And obviously  it inspires me to write about it.
For what is Nature other than what can be shared when others cannot see it for themselves? This grows us all, touches us all, then.
So, the glistening tree shimmers in the morning sun which only touches it as it strains to shine its beams through the still hovering clouds that brought the diamonds to the tree in the first place.
And I just simply gaze and sigh and let myself enjoy this simple pleasure for the little time that it lasts.

Enjoy The Universal Journey.

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