Friday 26 July 2013

Welcome to The Universal Journey by Starwhite Earthguide.

What is  "The Universal Journey"?

From my perspective, it is the indefinable, infinite journey taken by all Souls through a timelessness and an infinite space. No two are ever the same, as no two Souls are ever the same. Yet we are all connected and all journeying to the same end. . . yet there is no end! So unfathomable to so many. So that is why we are meant to focus on the here and now as we take this human leg of our Universal Journey.
Hello and welcome to my blog. Here I aim to publish my ideas, concepts, philosophies and chanelled messages from time to time. Although, ‘aims’ may become altered as paths amble and find a new life of their own!

 I have had many many Spiritual Adventures during my life so far, and I would like to share snippets of these and others with you, as they occur. I just adore our home planet and mother - Earth. I connect deeply to Her and respond to the changes that occur. I also communicate with our Great Spirit Father when the time is right for Him to do so, who brings great strength of guidance and encouragement. I speak often (again at their time of choosing)  with Higher Beings of Light, Guides, Angels, Starfriends and others  who are all here to love, assist, support and guide us.

 In my capacity as a spiritual worker, I am a teacher of spiritual development, meditation and Qigong, a trigger for awakening, a Shamanic healer and a guide. I incorporate Reiki and the Qigong-Fengshui energies in all I do. But I am also a devoted Mum and Wife. I have a wonderful caring group of students and friends. These Heaven -sent souls all keep me on a steady course and are themselves, periodically extending and growing in their own vibrationary cycles.

I have written and self-printed books, produced a CD and worked in public settings as well as private ones. I am forever gaining new knowledge which I incorporate into my long background of great spiritual teachers of my lifetime. I will love to write about them here on my blog site also and share some sense of their great respect, honour and integrity for the Spirit and The Universal Journey itself, which has been an ongoing credit to them and a quality I am hopeful to have ingrained in myself.

And. . . I LOVE what I do!

 BUT, I am also human as we all are, (in this lifetime anyway!) and prone to human frailties and human blessings as well, all of which may become apparent as I write.

So I look forward to this newest writing adventure as I begin it and to any comments you may feel inclined to offer as I do so.

Starwhite Earthguide. 
(10am, 26 July 2013)

Please Note: If you share the writings or poetry from this blog site please do so without alteration and give due credit to myself as the author, where I intend to give due credit to any I quote herein also.

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