Thursday 31 January 2019

Anchoring Possibilities with Hope Joy and Abundance. . .

ANCHORING POSSIBILITIES . . . with hope, joy and abundance. - I love how the word abundance includes the word 'dance' :) 

Date Numerology for Occultation of Saturn   2. 2. 3 = 7.  A powerful vibration for spiritual healing possibilities and resolutions which have raised their heads recently.

I am no astrologer, but since I was younger, I always thought of Saturn as feminine energy.”
I thought: “encircled by all those pretty rings, like a dancing skirt or tutu, this planet must be feminine.” So that is my perception for this article.

This past weekend was of very important and real significance for myself and my Spirit-walking sister group. Held in remote wilderness, safety and sacredness we all met for our Gathering. There are no accidents or mistakes, especially when gathering in Ceremony.

So upon returning to civilisation, I discover an astonishing, breathtaking sight in the night sky – awoken at 2am – I could really feel something was different and special above. Taking my maltese out to the back yard - and wary of Sneakysnake! – I stepped out onto one of our flat exposed bedrocks. I turned and looked up above the roof of the house.

As I said, my breath was taken away. It was a stunning panorama, a vista of celestial bodies on display in a perfectly clear sky.

Facing East, just above the line of the roof was a huge bright planet which I guessed, but came to know was actually Venus. She must be quite close at this time of the year. She sat in position, emanating intention, her steadfast single radiant eye towards me.

Above her, almost directly was another bright planet, but a little smaller in this sky-scene – Jupiter.
Together these two planetary beings sat poised below and as if pointing up to the great ‘fish hook’ that is part of Scorpio. This constellation spread across the Eastern sky almost totally lying down with the blunt end at the northern end and the barb on the southern end.

Then the strongest glow of all came from our moon. She was in quarter phase and suspended in her travels across the sky in this portal of my time, high and to the left of the blunt end or top of the Fish Hook – as if beaming across to enlighten the whole scene like a spotlight.

Over the years of my awakening spiritual development, I have had many conversations with beautiful powerful Venus. This night She had called me out! She was here in her own power to honour me and my/our weekend accomplishments. I could feel her deep, resounding pleasure at the new awakening, new arrival, new and yet at the same time, ancient re-connection to ourselves and who we are, who we are becoming and where we are going with that newness. She felt like a proud Mother peering down from the Heavens, from the Dreamtime.

And in the higher, yet less prominent position was her ‘partner’ of this particular time, Jupiter. As one of the Grandfathers, part of the Elders, who too acknowledge and bless the work done by us women these past few days in ceremony and connecting and especially healing. Healing of each other, of ourselves, of the land – in many ways unnoticed by even us who are down in amongst it all. And yet we radiate in a new light, a new vibration to be carried and to disperse, yet never-ending in its source, especially so long as we keep remembering.

Then a few clouds began to drift in. One significant set hovered near the moon. When I returned my gaze to Her, there was a message for me in my shiny newness now, high in the sky, written in the clouds by the moonlight.

On my return to indoors and progression of my day to follow the threads given by that celestial sight, I randomly discover that there is an occultation coming in a few days, on Feb 2nd. The moon will occult (traverse) the face of Saturn. Saturn had been following in her ascension behind the scene that I witnessed, if I had been able to see over the rooftop towards the lower eastern horizon.
So returning to my personal impression of Saturn as feminine energy with Her skirts and her upcoming dance with our moon.

Perhaps the old feminine surpasses the new. So too the moon as our regular reminder of our femininity, transits across and obstructs Saturn for a brief time, as if one form of feminine is washed over by another form of femininity.

Once the planet emerges from the occultation, it is said that it is washed clean or renewed for us here on earth to emanate a new form of energy to us, to those who are ready to take up this new form within their energy bodies.

Others who are not prepared will obviously have it grace them too, but within them it may set up a struggle for the old ways & healing to be worked out, released and replaced. Hence a rattling of the un-ready may occur until it is adjusted within themselves – if/whenever awakened.  

Meanwhile, whilst Saturn is hidden by the moon, we in turn have an opportunity to engage & anchor a little deeper into whatever it is we need to hold, release or do, whilst we are without this particular energetic vibration around us.

I do not suggest at all that there is an elitist group across the planet Earth that are privy to this new wave & to gather it. Not at all. Many are ‘ready’ for it without being so conscious or aware of that anyway.

All flows as it should and all is as it should be, Aho!

 If this interpretation resonates with you, so be it and enjoy. If not, then Blessed Be you also on,
The Universal Journey.

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