Sunday 20 January 2019

A Strong Qigong Session

A Strong Qigong Session

This is a blog I wrote a few years ago. Simple yet true. I thought it worth repeating & adding to, as I prepare for further Qigong sessions for this year.

A Good Strong Qigong Session leaves you feeling:

Whole and complete;

Completely balanced in as many ways as you can sense;

And with a clearer sense of everything;

A part of everything yet attached to nothing;

With a sense of your untapped potential just there for the discovering and a fresh desire to take part in it;

With a sense of love and understanding for the greater expanse of yourself and the world, without the need to feel that things need fixing. 

For things are perfect just the way they are – all in present beingness of moment - time and space.





Living a Bigger Life.

Blessings on The Universal Journey.

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