Monday 20 November 2017

Rollers & Waterfalls

Rollers and Waterfalls
Tuesday Nov 21st 2017.

              This pic is one I took of a waterfall in beautiful Dorset, England this year.

Dear Fellow Travellers on
The Universal Journey,

You are probably wondering: “What on earth do these things in the title have in common? And what is a roller"? Rollers and Waterfalls”?? Lots today! Read on. . . 

Wow what a wonderful difference a strong Qigong (pronounced chi -goong) session makes to my world!

Today I attended a class with my teacher, whom I have known for many years.
During this class my teacher shared out what is called a ‘roller’, to each of us. They are pieces of cylindrical wood carved and smoothed; additionally smoothed by many hands of use no doubt. It is about 30 cms long and about 3-4 cms in diameter. She guided us in detailed sweeping and focusing practices using these rollers. The practice of qigong becomes much more focused and mindful as we are meant to hold the roller gently, lightly, without dropping it (or hitting ourselves over the head with it!) Using a roller, for me, gives a whole new dimension to the practices.

And then we made the ‘waterfalls’. I love these waterfall movements of practice. Very simple yet very powerful & graceful, like tipping water and recollecting it again from hand to hand following the micro-cosmic/macro-cosmic orbit. I also share these moves with my own group when in session at times. 

Simple. Repetitive. Mindful. Potent.

Sometimes I am also visited by & see images of numerous Guides whilst I am in the visualisation process at the end of each session. This is clear evidence to me, that this form, for me personally, works as a link to my Higher-self & realms - because that is what I am here to do! I do not suggest that it is the same for you. . . . but you never know. Be open to anything as you travel on The Universal Journey.

So, on leaving these sessions I am not only revitalised, but also have much clearer priorities for my day, stronger creativity & a deeper sense of my own energy and my unbounded potential. My day continues in a much more blissfully aligned form and with a fresh lightness of being. I become like a butterfly flitting from flower to flower as I tend to my chores, intuitional errands & work that are as gifts. I also look forward to fuller stamina which usually extends several days hence!

Ahh Lao Tze – thank you for showing & reminding me of this Way-
on The Universal Journey.

Palms together in blessings to you for a wonderful week to come.

Sunday 19 November 2017

A Weekend Worth Having.

Monday, November 20th, 2017.

Greetings All on The Universal Journey,

I hope you have had a terrific weekend, wherever you are or have been in the world! 
With the weather being the way it was here - overcast grey & mostly rainy - I loved it.

I thrive inwardly in this type of weather where I can sit and ingest rich spiritual learnings or discoveries. The rainy day is a facilitating natural element which inspires introspection, hibernation, mystical adventure or just plain relaxation. For people who had outdoor plans of course this is a bit of a nuisance. But for those with 'bear-like' tendencies, it is a gift.

So with my little flowering plants in their new pots lapping up the fresh raindrops, I sat at my laptop and did some catch-up reading and viewing. 

I had been given some recommended viewing on you-tube. Pamela Aaralyn is a channel and medium and the video I was told about is the one where she speaks with Dolores Cannon. If you are not familiar with Dolores, she is nothing short of amazing. Now even though she is deceased, she is still amazing! Death is not a barrier to learning nor teaching! I have also discovered this personally, many years ago from my old spiritual teacher and guide, Gwen, and many others of course, who also continue to teach from the other side - and still do when it is pertinent to do so. As many great Souls do. 

It has been a while since I channeled myself, so to watch another was inspiring too and also triggers those familiar vibes within me.

Dolores had said whilst living that she would not let anyone channel her afterwards - but seems to have changed her mind. God Bless Her - for the massive work she did whilst here is ongoing and ever evolving. I invite you to take a look at her incredible books of sessions undertaken with people of all walks of life (with their due consent). There truly is no limit to life itself, or to the abundant surprises waiting to be discovered. The information is mind boggling and eye-opening, not to mention mind-opening, to the wonders of our multidimensional selves & the experiences of the Soul over many incarnations and throughout Time itself!

I met and learnt from Dolores myself back in November 2007. She has a definitive teaching style & a strong sense of right and wrong with regards the client, the SubConscious and practitioner relationship & running of a session - as should be so. Hers is a most respectful and effective form of hypnotherapy. "You cannot bully the SubConscious". As a novice practitioner, I have held many sessions with different people with some wonderful experiences for both of us and clear results for them to take away. Interestingly - I just noticed it is 10 years ago this week since my course with her. . . perhaps that is why I heard her call :)

(If any of you are wondering about having a regression, do contact one of Dolores practitioners and have a chat. . . I would recommend it if you are looking for healing, direction or answers. Your SubConscious/OverSoul is an amazing, strong, protective part of you. It will be lovingly spoken to - and the session is always in It's faithful hands, not the practitioners.)

Anyway, my video session with Pamela was reaffirming and also held a few newer concepts from Dolores which was curiously interesting and fed my rainy-day self. This was followed yesterday by a lovely catch-up with a friend with lots of chatter on Dolores' work and other mind-boggling topics, which we both love to discuss and fall into - barely coming up for air - 3 hours later.

Ahh the gentle rain - blissful and energising, calming to the mind, body and soul and a source of manifestation for growth on . . . 

The Universal Journey.
Blessings & may greater awakenings come to you.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Oh My How Time Flies. . . and So Do We.

Oh My How Time Flies. . . And So Do We.

Greetings fellow travelers on The Universal Journey.

Today is a Friday here for me in my little part of the bigger world (blogger world?!). The sun is thankfully partly cloaked in delicate cloudy blooms. . . and I have been able to plant a few blooms myself in the form of impatiens & portulacas creating pretty pots of colour!
Extreme quantities and qualities of experiences have occurred for me over this past most significant year. I notice it has been so long since my fingers typed my thoughts to this page of The Universal Journey, so here I be feeling quite poetic :) So if you are not up to some rambling and illustrative language, click to escape now! :)

Some old things have melted away throughout this year as I have fallen more deeply in love with my higher guidance, my intuition. And just like a love story, it has carried me to blissful areas of my being, radiant new friendships and companions and wondrous experiences.. . . all shown through these eyes of love, acceptance and intuitive direction.

The majority of my year found my energies engrossed in preparations for my mystical journey to many sacred places of Avalon, England. What a mammoth venture that turned out to be, as all overseas travel is new to me, so to arrange it all alone was amazing, a struggle, a huge learning experience & more,  and a great surprise and delight for me to achieve so definitively . . . especially when all my carefully detailed preparations & study led to a worry-free & totally self-present trip. (I even thoroughly enjoyed flying so far for so long!) I was able to be fully present in every moment that I was held there in such grace and gratitude. These emotions at times overwhelmed me along my travels to and through the mystical England to which I had come to allow myself to be fully absorbed into. . . and the current bustling London which I had physically prepared for the most. What a rush! And loved every moment, breath & footfall.

Avalon began calling to me in my teenage years with the dawn of my journey as a teenager into "The Crystal Cave" by Mary Stewart. Then following into her sequel of novels about Merlin. My Grandmother who shared the love of books with me, also read them and commented on how our own ancestors came from Cornwall. "We may be from Tintagel?!!" I exclaimed excitedly. . . and so the inimitable thread of The Universal Journey towards discovering my own aspect of Avalon, began. 

It is the feminine side of this sacred place on which I have now placed my own two feet, as descendant, as a past-life walker of worlds long diminished in the physical, yet oh so real in the present time.

Beginning with respectful meetings of my lovely Avalon companions & an Initiation walk through Stourhead gardens, I have now walked for hours along the length of our ancestors tracks (with visits to significant barrows) up to and into the centre-place of Stone Henge where we (companion Goddesses lead by our Archduidess) created a sacred ceremony between realms in the wet, windy, misty veil of weather; rounded the deep trench which encircles the mystical stone design of Avebury & touched its marvellous monoliths; I have sat in quietude beneath a wide-reaching tree in the grounds of the solemn greens of Glastonbury Abbey, where voices of the past echoed through to me of past-life emotions and feet upon the ground there; I have walked Chalice Well gardens, dedicated healing in her waters and held in my hand, a yew tree branch which had long awaited welcoming me there, whispered my longings back to me and released me of all my past woes connected to my life-streams; I have climbed the steep ascent to and from St Michael's realm of Glastonbury Tor, then bathed in the shade of Avalon's Apple Orchard on the descent; and too much more to mention. Oh divine bliss. I was and am truly in love with these places, my real earth-borne home of my heart & spirit. 

There were so many more walks and climbs and seatings and chantings in cave and barrow, in sacred circle dance & in the solitude of a tree circle planted so; in a harpists enchanting & energetic melodies; and in meditations and gatherings, learnings and discoverings, with laughing, crying, carings and sharings abundant on such a journey. And my own little world of me is irreversibly enriched and overwhelmed with gratitude, respect and awesome-ness of All That Is/Was/Will Be and those spaces within people which hold such treasures.

And so, I have managed so far to overcome several chronic and depressing aspects of me, to be able to wipe away the grime of (many) old patterns of behaviour and thinking, which opened and cleared my horizon along The Universal Journey that is Neverending Immortal Life! Much time was spent too long on those morbid and ill times behind me. Healing was a must and to spend whatever time I have now on special meaningful aspects , service and experiences, relevant to me and my Soul's calling . . . as once answered, there come further calls for me to follow along on -

The Universal Journey.

Love and Blessings Dear Ones,
Starwhite Earthguide, off for now to enjoy some more of that special garden around us :)