Tuesday 13 January 2015

Just a Few Words

Weds. 14th Jan 2014.

Just A Few Words.

Greetings All
On The Universal Journey

How are you all dear ones? I hope your new year is beginning very auspiciously for you and with great promise for the entire year ahead!

Creativity abounds if you can find some stillness and silence at some points along your day. Connections to that divine source are more aaccessible these days so make the most when you can. Plant those seeds, full of unlimited potential, and allow them to flourish as time passes into the beautiful flowering aspects of your life. Be confident in the future of all things good and beneficial, for yourself and all humanity.

Take care with your thoughts and words. Mindfulness is a worthy virtue to meditate upon and live from. Do not allow the grim tidings from around the globe dissuade you from being in your own peaceful state – truly they are unhappy things, so do send prayers and healing – then let it go and move on, for keeping your own vibration at a higher state is of greater benefit to you and people around you and the world in general. 

Be at peace with who you really are – allow that point of Source energy that resides within you to shine brighter as you awaken more and more fully to your true nature and divine higher self.

Love and Blessings – all-ways –
Starwhite Earthguide

On The Universal Journey.

Friday 9 January 2015

10 and 11

for Sat 10th  & Sun 11th Jan.
Hello Dear Universal Journey Takers.
Here is a curiosity for you to ponder in numbers:

10.1.2015 =  10
= beginnings and endings in whatever small  or large way you may experience.

11.1.2015 = 11
so the previous day of the 10 vibration has now prepared us for the next 11 gateway to step aware, and into and towards the newer aspect , new vibration after ending and releasing a few loose ends yesterday. 

A meditation on both days' numbers can connect you well if you so choose to enjoy the revelations that may become apparent for you. 
Invite an Angel to guide you!
And remember that there is an ongoing '8' to assist your balance alignment and harmony.

Live laugh and enjoy 
The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

Monday 5 January 2015

Weaving Into the New Year

Tuesday Jan 6th.

Weaving Into the New Year.

On the final leg of the journey
That took us through 2014
There were times that I felt lost and broken,
Times without any dreams.
Now the New Year to greet us has broken
Like a wave upon a fine shore
And the love and great prospects lie waiting
To be taken up by those awaiting more!
For like a fresh breeze it surrounds us
It begins its momentum to grow,
To be sure, just at first, a bit sluggish,
But with secrets that lie ‘yond its door.
So take yourself into it gently;
Take yourself into it slow;
Let its sweet embrace enfold you
So that Love is the Guide that you’ll know.
For ‘tis Love and True Nature that finds us;
That carries us through thick and thin,
That moves us and weaves us in patterns,
In a delicate dance from within.
Take each step daily as mindful;
Let each rich moment be yours;
Let not the fear or lethargy
Crowd up your innermost door.
Let yourself feel the great opening
That comes from a freedom sublime
That comes in each precious day passing
And will weave you well into the Divine.


Starwhite Earthguide.

Sunday January 4th 2015.

*NB If reproducing do give due credit to myself as the author.*

Sunday 4 January 2015

Full Moon and a Special Day

Monday 5th January.

Full Moon and a very dear one turns 101!

Greetings Dear Ones,

Big hugs to greet you on your return to my blog and to begin 2015!

Today is very auspicious as the title already announces.

A full moon is always beneficial to be under: to place crystals for cleansing and recharging; and for completion of some of those niggly things that are waiting to be finalised or at least decided upon. I woke with some of those today myself.

Today is also a good one for more sincere healing on yourself. Take what ever time you can muster as your working year perhaps begins – to be in a holy and reverent silence and let your inner self take a deep cleansing breath as you let go of the outer world around you and delve a little into your inner world. Ask your true self what you are in need of right now to help you heal anything that is in need of healing, then just ‘let it be done’ then and there under this full moon energy.

If it is a stubborn thing, you may need to call upon a little higher help, so the Angels are always waiting around you, just ask them. There are also great healers in Spirit, just ask them. And of course there are also great spiritual healers incarnated in the physical around you, just ask them.

Be Blessed and Loving
And know that you are very much loved in All-Ways,

Starwhite Earthguide

 On The Universal Journey as it begins for 2015.