Wednesday 27 November 2013

Return of The Green Tree Frog

Thurs 28th Nov  2013.

Return of the Green Frog - YAY

Hello Fellow Travellers on The Universal Journey.

Back in August this year, I wrote to tell you about the old green tree frog who had been a long term resident of our yard. He/she had sadly passed on to the next realm of his/her calling. 

Well, cleaning up around the yard , in a different area the other day, we came across another one! This little fellow/fellow-ess is obviously younger and we like to think that it is an offspring of our old original frog. So we were very happy to leave it be, inside our old watering jug as it sits under a few palms and is hopefully well protected from the neighbour’s roaming cats! 

This revival in the circle of life also brings the awareness that as far as green tree frogs go, they are a very positive sign of a healthy area – not to mention lots of rain as we have experienced over the past days, with more on the way no doubt. 

So, just a little thing, but something to brighten the days. . . and also bring on the Jingle Bells and decorations for the season when Glory and Angels abound! (more on that later) 

Happy Days to you all on The Universal Journey,
Starwhite Earthguide.

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