Saturday 23 November 2013

Healing Our Waters

Healing Our Waters 
Sun 24th Nov.

Greetings All on The Universal Journey.

Last night came an enormous torrential and electrical storm. The light-show was almost continual for several hours. And the rain bucketted down so the poor old rainwater tanks couldn’t cope with it all and sent the excess spilling over into waterfalls.

Perhaps this timing is related to another element of my work at the moment too. And not just my little corner, but across our world, magnificent, dedicated and conscious people are directing their thoughts, love  and caring concern towards Japan’s Fukishima power plant and its waters.

My small lovingly dedicated spiritual group/family /friends have gathered their loving vibes and poured them into individual clear quartz crystals which I will send very soon to an address in Japan. There are scientists already using such crystals to urgently heal the situation of these radioactive waters at Fukishima, with positive results! So the urge is on now to help-out and amp up that healing.

Remember –all water is connected across the planet. It lies in ponds, dams, lakes and oceans. It evaporates and travels in the clouds and rains down in new places. It travels down rivers, streams, waterfalls and creeks and flows into bays, harbours, reservoirs and dams, deltas and inlets. It makes its way into our homes and our bodies – and as a conscious inhabitant of Earth – similarly as our Mother Earth is – we too are made up of about 80% water.

Another great aspect of water is its ability to not only heal but to be healed. See Dr Emoto's work on that , if you do not know about the magic of intention on water crystals look it up, it is fascinating and also proven fact. Hence our own healing efforts.

The initial call for me to rally our Love and Light forces in this way came from the lovely Little Grandmother (Keisha Crowther). And we unhesitatingly oblige in this world-wide effort. It is good to be a part of a huge global positive action to create change and healing. So if you cannot send crystals there. . . please send a care and a loving awareness that all things are connected and so to give blessings in one way, blesses in many, for that is the Nature of Love.

Be well loving people on The Universal Journey.
Blessings to you and your loved ones too,
Starwhite Earthguide.

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