Wednesday 27 November 2013

Crystal Journey.

Thurs 28th Nov. 2013.

Crystal Journey.

Dear Ones on The Universal Journey,

Well, our crystal gifts, infused with love and joy, will be close approaching their destination in Japan to join and magnify the great joint concerted effort of so many from around the world. Along with all the efforts of those unable to send crystals but sending their loving intentions and prayers in support also. All will make such a difference as our Mother Earth senses this and in our gratitude and caring actions, she reflects gratitude and care back to us. We support Her on Her own Universal Journey.

I can imagine Fukishima (and those people who are there caring for that place ) will be aglow with vitality and rejuvination as the place becomes overwhelmed with such loving energies and high vibrational focus of intent!
We look forward to any reports on the progress of decontamination and the ongoing dispursement of these healing energies that will eminate eventually out to us all across the globe. It is also by extension, great to think that these crystals also pass over and travel so close to the now traumatised areas after typhoon Haiyan. Hhmm – synchronicity, gives you more to think about connections once again, regarding weather patterns and our vibrational shifting of ourselves and the planet.

All is well Dear Ones.

In Love and Light,
Starwhite Earthguide.
OnThe Universal Journey.

P.S. And best wishes to our U.S. neighbours who are in a season of gratitude themselves in theirThanksgiving - which we appreciate, extends beyond the reason of its original concept, in this day and era, and by extension can encompass a more worldly effect too. 

What a Wonderful World and let Peace be with us.

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