Monday 28 October 2013

Portal Update.

Mon 28th October, 2013.                                                

(I would credit the artist of this but do not know from where it came, except that it is a most relevent recreation of Van Goghs original Starry Night. . .many thanks.)

A Brief Portal Update.

Hello Again,
For those of you who have read my blog entries of September and into the start of October, you will be familiar with the Great Energy Flux occurring. It began for most people, with the Spring Equinox on the weekend of September 21-22. For myself it began earlier. For those unfamiliar, see my blogs :“Spring Equinox –Plus!” and “The Message”, “More Information” entries in September.

Since then, SO much has happened , come to pass, and continues, to bring further shifts and changes within us – all to varying degrees of course – as new vibrations (although still fluctuating at times) continue to coalesce and settle within us and around us on our planet.
Some will find themselves on the forefront of the great ‘tidal wave’ of the rising vibration that has filtered through so strongly. Others will be amidst the bulk of the effects and still determining a direction, or seeking some further guidance, yet still consciously be aware of ‘something’ going on, but can’t quite put their finger on it. And as always, others are oblivious to anything occurring at all that is actually altering us from the old reality into the awakened and participatory one, as it develops. But the more who become truly aware, the better and more soundly grounded will be the effects for us all.

Last year I completed a book. I named it : “The Merlin Effect. A Spiritual Account of a Metaphysical Experience.”

A number of people have read it and continue to do so, and re-read it as experiences unfold for them, as it has become like a reference book for the current period. Oblivious as I was at the time, that all of this would occur again now!

This account is of my own experience , written as accurately as possible, of the first portal opening I was involved in of this very same type, back in 1998. After some research to find explanations for my experience, plus other confirmations from people around me at the time (some total strangers then), I began to find great aligning galactic and earthly anomolies or phenomena, that occurred in succession or simultaneously. These gave rise to massive available energy processes for us and the Earth herself, moving through the physical, spiritual and metaphysical realms and so much more. 

It was quite a task for me to write about the process as it was a very complicated one and multiple effects occurred simultaneously – not to mention that it was quite a traumatic time for most of it, as the ‘attempt’ was an early version with some avenues untried before. The very same complexity is true for this same Portal Event.  Although I am very happy to say that this time around has been much clearer and more direct and coherant! Key factors contribute/d to the overall , overwhelming effects and resultant shifts and changes for me at the time, and now for many others too. 

I cannot speak for anyone else, but have written my account as things happened the way they did for me.

No doubt you will read lots of reports across the global network of communications about the current energy Events. Many different perceptions will occur from just as many experiences, so find what you will, and discern for yourself, as there are so many variations of levels of energy experiences now, yet most, if not all, leading to a singular purpose, eventually, even if that may not seem clear at this time.

So, I have begun to write up my precursory notes to begin another book on this Portal Event. I look forward to writing it with much more clarity and much deeper understanding as I am a much more aware and conscious participant in my area of service and purpose at the present time. 

And there is plenty more to come for us all! So keep your eyes – all 3 of them! - and ears open. Breathe deeply daily. Move slowly and mindfully, daily. Stand firmly on Mother Earth and extend those energetic roots down into the ground, especially when you sense the lightheadedness of the vibrations rising, as that is how we begin to anchor the glorious higher energy patterns here. 

Use the Heart Meditaton I have posted for you – ‘El Corazon’. And know that you can also access and open a higher vibrational heart portal (chakra) within your energy body – the Higher Heart Portal which resides just a few inches above your central heart chakra. This can be activated , if not already so, which is a means of use for this most energetically influential era. Just hold your hand there and let yourself become aware of its presence. Remind yourself of it and after a little time, you will truly feel it, or ‘see’ it, or sense it more clearly and strongly. You may notice the colour turquoise around that, or be drawn to that colour. . . that is its colour and that is part of the process of it becoming activated within your energy system. This may herald the beginning of your regeneration process.

So, I hope this has supplied some explanation of any of your own experiences recently, or will become helpful guidance for the coming days for you as The Universal Journey continues.

Namaste Good People.
Starwhite Earthguide signing out for now.
(If you are interested in The Merlin Effect, write to me at the gmail address on the top of my blog page.)

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