Friday 25 October 2013

More on Real Strength

“Nothing so strong as gentleness.
 Nothing so gentle as real strength.”

Greetings Fellow Universal Journeyers.

Can you sense the truth of these words I have quoted from my last entry in The Universal Journey?
Can you let them sit and dwell in your mind for a few moments, at this moment, and allow their complex meaning to find a realisation within you?
So many people in this world really think and believe that strength or power comes from rigidity, force, dominance, accumulation of dollars and wealth in material physical things.
Our new version of the world is, and really always has been, grounded in far greater and more subtle concepts than that.The world we have all been aching for is one based on the true reality that comes from the gentle breezes of the natural and ever-present balance between ourselves and our entire Universe. . . to whatever degree that is for each of us personally. There is and always will be, much more out there than we can possibly imagine. And the same goes for what is in here – in you – too.
But it is the great and potent knowledge of this and the all-encompassing completeness of both inner and outer worlds, which creates the true world from which we all came , in which we all dwell – to differing degrees of consciousness of course – and to which we all will return.
The Universal Journey is not only represented by the idea that we are all fellow travellers walking toward the same goal. It is a much more complex concept , that we are all simultaneously a part of, as a single grain of sand upon a beach; a drop of water within the vastness of an ocean that we cannot comprehend. . . until we consciously decide to take the step towards a clarification of our situation as such.
Gentleness, in its truest form comes from a deep inner place of many aspects. It comes from, also, purely and simply, a condition of unconditional love on a grand scale. It comes from a loving sense of understanding and care, compassion and acceptance.
Can you imagine this real condition of gentleness as such a great and powerful strength to be beholding of? Here lies the inner strength that shows itself as a gentleness and enriches the world we live in as it radiates from the bestower in that state of being.
 Do you know someone with this real gentle strength?
Can you imagine a world full of such gentleness as such a great and mighty strength coming from within us, each and every one of us? How mighty we’d be! And how the world would be changed irrevocably.
Starwhite Earthguide
The Universal Journey.

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