Monday 28 October 2013

Portal Update.

Mon 28th October, 2013.                                                

(I would credit the artist of this but do not know from where it came, except that it is a most relevent recreation of Van Goghs original Starry Night. . .many thanks.)

A Brief Portal Update.

Hello Again,
For those of you who have read my blog entries of September and into the start of October, you will be familiar with the Great Energy Flux occurring. It began for most people, with the Spring Equinox on the weekend of September 21-22. For myself it began earlier. For those unfamiliar, see my blogs :“Spring Equinox –Plus!” and “The Message”, “More Information” entries in September.

Since then, SO much has happened , come to pass, and continues, to bring further shifts and changes within us – all to varying degrees of course – as new vibrations (although still fluctuating at times) continue to coalesce and settle within us and around us on our planet.
Some will find themselves on the forefront of the great ‘tidal wave’ of the rising vibration that has filtered through so strongly. Others will be amidst the bulk of the effects and still determining a direction, or seeking some further guidance, yet still consciously be aware of ‘something’ going on, but can’t quite put their finger on it. And as always, others are oblivious to anything occurring at all that is actually altering us from the old reality into the awakened and participatory one, as it develops. But the more who become truly aware, the better and more soundly grounded will be the effects for us all.

Last year I completed a book. I named it : “The Merlin Effect. A Spiritual Account of a Metaphysical Experience.”

A number of people have read it and continue to do so, and re-read it as experiences unfold for them, as it has become like a reference book for the current period. Oblivious as I was at the time, that all of this would occur again now!

This account is of my own experience , written as accurately as possible, of the first portal opening I was involved in of this very same type, back in 1998. After some research to find explanations for my experience, plus other confirmations from people around me at the time (some total strangers then), I began to find great aligning galactic and earthly anomolies or phenomena, that occurred in succession or simultaneously. These gave rise to massive available energy processes for us and the Earth herself, moving through the physical, spiritual and metaphysical realms and so much more. 

It was quite a task for me to write about the process as it was a very complicated one and multiple effects occurred simultaneously – not to mention that it was quite a traumatic time for most of it, as the ‘attempt’ was an early version with some avenues untried before. The very same complexity is true for this same Portal Event.  Although I am very happy to say that this time around has been much clearer and more direct and coherant! Key factors contribute/d to the overall , overwhelming effects and resultant shifts and changes for me at the time, and now for many others too. 

I cannot speak for anyone else, but have written my account as things happened the way they did for me.

No doubt you will read lots of reports across the global network of communications about the current energy Events. Many different perceptions will occur from just as many experiences, so find what you will, and discern for yourself, as there are so many variations of levels of energy experiences now, yet most, if not all, leading to a singular purpose, eventually, even if that may not seem clear at this time.

So, I have begun to write up my precursory notes to begin another book on this Portal Event. I look forward to writing it with much more clarity and much deeper understanding as I am a much more aware and conscious participant in my area of service and purpose at the present time. 

And there is plenty more to come for us all! So keep your eyes – all 3 of them! - and ears open. Breathe deeply daily. Move slowly and mindfully, daily. Stand firmly on Mother Earth and extend those energetic roots down into the ground, especially when you sense the lightheadedness of the vibrations rising, as that is how we begin to anchor the glorious higher energy patterns here. 

Use the Heart Meditaton I have posted for you – ‘El Corazon’. And know that you can also access and open a higher vibrational heart portal (chakra) within your energy body – the Higher Heart Portal which resides just a few inches above your central heart chakra. This can be activated , if not already so, which is a means of use for this most energetically influential era. Just hold your hand there and let yourself become aware of its presence. Remind yourself of it and after a little time, you will truly feel it, or ‘see’ it, or sense it more clearly and strongly. You may notice the colour turquoise around that, or be drawn to that colour. . . that is its colour and that is part of the process of it becoming activated within your energy system. This may herald the beginning of your regeneration process.

So, I hope this has supplied some explanation of any of your own experiences recently, or will become helpful guidance for the coming days for you as The Universal Journey continues.

Namaste Good People.
Starwhite Earthguide signing out for now.
(If you are interested in The Merlin Effect, write to me at the gmail address on the top of my blog page.)

Saturday 26 October 2013

A Perspective

Sunday 25th Oct.
Be in the ebb and flow of life.

Even though the tide may seem to be lower than usual for you to move through,
 or the rocks and bumps may seem to loom up higher and wider,
remember to move, breathe and focus on the brighter aspects 
and turn those bumps into stepping stones while you are able to cross the shallows!

(Image from photos taken at Natural Bridge - aka Natural Arch - Qld, during one of our retreats)

Greetings and Blessings
on The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

Friday 25 October 2013

More on Real Strength

“Nothing so strong as gentleness.
 Nothing so gentle as real strength.”

Greetings Fellow Universal Journeyers.

Can you sense the truth of these words I have quoted from my last entry in The Universal Journey?
Can you let them sit and dwell in your mind for a few moments, at this moment, and allow their complex meaning to find a realisation within you?
So many people in this world really think and believe that strength or power comes from rigidity, force, dominance, accumulation of dollars and wealth in material physical things.
Our new version of the world is, and really always has been, grounded in far greater and more subtle concepts than that.The world we have all been aching for is one based on the true reality that comes from the gentle breezes of the natural and ever-present balance between ourselves and our entire Universe. . . to whatever degree that is for each of us personally. There is and always will be, much more out there than we can possibly imagine. And the same goes for what is in here – in you – too.
But it is the great and potent knowledge of this and the all-encompassing completeness of both inner and outer worlds, which creates the true world from which we all came , in which we all dwell – to differing degrees of consciousness of course – and to which we all will return.
The Universal Journey is not only represented by the idea that we are all fellow travellers walking toward the same goal. It is a much more complex concept , that we are all simultaneously a part of, as a single grain of sand upon a beach; a drop of water within the vastness of an ocean that we cannot comprehend. . . until we consciously decide to take the step towards a clarification of our situation as such.
Gentleness, in its truest form comes from a deep inner place of many aspects. It comes from, also, purely and simply, a condition of unconditional love on a grand scale. It comes from a loving sense of understanding and care, compassion and acceptance.
Can you imagine this real condition of gentleness as such a great and powerful strength to be beholding of? Here lies the inner strength that shows itself as a gentleness and enriches the world we live in as it radiates from the bestower in that state of being.
 Do you know someone with this real gentle strength?
Can you imagine a world full of such gentleness as such a great and mighty strength coming from within us, each and every one of us? How mighty we’d be! And how the world would be changed irrevocably.
Starwhite Earthguide
The Universal Journey.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Real Strength

18th Oct 2013.

"Nothing is so strong as gentleness
Nothing so gentle as real strength"

(Quoted from a beautiful American Indian portrait 
 poster: original painted by Bill Hampton.
Printed by Leanin' Tree inc. )

Greetings All on The Universal Journey.
There are some deeper ideas about strength to investigate from this quote. . .I just love it and it suits someone who is very close to me. So I will return soon to continue with this line of thought.
Until then, be well Brothers and Sisters in Peace and Light,
Keep those loving vibes up!
Starwhite Earthguide.
The Universal Journey.

Tuesday 8 October 2013



9th Oct 2013.

Greetings Dear People on The Universal Journey.
Well I have been unable to write on here in the past days as I have been so busy on my own Spiritual Journey.

How are you going ? Have you found some momentous moments? Or some inspiring instances? Or some revelatory research? Perhaps some Spring cleaning has divulged some surprising and long forgotten gifts? 

I wish all these things and more for you today, and onwards.

Remember that you are loved, that you are necessary, that you mean a great deal and are part of a great adventure named Life. As a part of that , as in all good adventures, you never know what or who is waiting around the next corner. . .
Perhaps the 'What' is your Divine True Way and perhaps the 'Who' is You!

Be ever-loving and blissful in the faith of Who you are and Why you are here, even if that may not seem apparent to you just yet. But to aspire to such is also a worthy, high and good prospect for your future. And be aware that the answers to these questions can always evolve as we do and awaken to the deeper mysteries within us. . .as we travel The Universal Journey together.

It helps to practise random acts of kindness towards your fellow man. Even if their response may not be in tune with your intention. Be not disheartened or angered or dejected . . .do it anyway and be peaceful in the knowledge that your act comes from a very loving and uplifting place.

On my travels this past week, out in the middle of the countryside between townships, I came across a man, not a young man either, dressed very sensibly for the hot weather and walking along the side of the road as traffic zoomed past doing 100 kilometres an hour. He was kept company by his golden-haired dog who wore little doggy booties to protect his feet. I saw him as I approached, me being at the head of the line of traffic at the time.  And as my eyes laid upon his sign which contained so much writing, attached to the front of his cart, all I had time to read was  “. .for the treatment of. . .”. I guessed in those milliseconds that he was doing a walk to raise money.
 So, being on my own, having no time constraints nor anyone to meet anywhere, I pulled over to the side of the road, very dubiously and extremely carefully, with the stream of fast vehicles behind me! He had continued walking a way, so I made a u-turn when it was safe to do so and pulled up across the road where there just happened to be a small country laneway for me to park safely. It took a few minutes for him to be able to cross the road, as I was in the safer area. I asked if he or especially his dog, would like some water. I gave a donation; but for both of us it was about the meeting; that we passed a few comments and spent a few moments out from our journeys in the opposite directions, total strangers, to share that place in time. He asked about some conditions that lay ahead for him, from where I had just travelled and I wished him well and discovered he had been walking from Geelong Victoria!
 How poetic it sounds now. That two strangers meet, such as in the old adventure novels, share some time, some greetings and some direction. It doesn’t matter what he was raising funds for, it doesn’t matter to me. But of course it does for him and that’s what was/is important for his journey at this point in time. However the collective stories he will be able to tell later will be most precious. . .because it’s about the Journey, not always the destination or the target. And our destinations don’t always become the greatest aspect,  unlike our experience of how we get there and what happens along the way,  does! And I was so happy driving away, resuming my travels and leaving him to his, feeling elated for being able to share only a moment with a stranger walking his True Way, with his gorgeous dog. Just as I am equally elated at being able to write as I do and share my snippets of life with you.

Be mindful as much as possible. But also allow yourself to be pleased and celebratory when you push through your comfort zone and extend yourself, especially to another human being. Keep in mind, that it is just as important to show kindness, gentleness and show a sense of humour to yourself, no matter who or where  you are at. For how else can you truly be that  unless it comes from a deeper understanding and experience within?
It is your Heart that knows only the Truth.
It is your mind that clouds the issue.
Train your mind to seek the Higher Path-
The compassionate, good-in-all-things Way. 

I will include a few special yet practical and down to earth words from a special person who wrote about ‘A Simple Path’ herself, to align you with the idea I speak of. You don’t have to be of a religion to admire and respect one who is and who can touch your Heart ‘anyway’.

In great kindness, and with blessings to you,
Starwhite Earthguide signing out for now.

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centred. Love them anyway.
If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enelies. Succeed anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway.”

From Mother Theresa.