Wednesday 4 September 2013

Utter Surrender

Utter Surrender

Lost in a struggle for calmness and hope

Bent in a battle with peace often smote,

Inner Source muffled as wind rustles through

Denying a solace of mindful subdue

What can I offer?

What can I say?

What can I do to keep this frustration at bay?

I wander, I travel, I drift here and yon,

I mix it others whose life-force is strong.

But none cannot suffer

Nor can they bear

The mis-occupation of my life’s despair.

There’s a knot needs untying

A lump needs to shift

A nervous distraction

A scratch for my itch.

So who can I turn to?

Who can I tell?

To whom can I open my now hardened shell?

There’s a Peace, I can see it!

Through the mist of the door

But how do I pull through

From what I’ve suffered before.

Through Utter Surrender

I must fix my aim

Through Utter Surrender, the name of the game.

So at last is the answer,

At last is the chord

That helps pull me through;

To a new way that dawns.

Utter Surrender,

Infinite Hope

Complete Subjugation to a Life not remote.

Remote comes my past life, the one that played tricks.

Remote is the past life I held close and enfixed.

Remote is the aura of sadness and fear

As I hold tight this new Chord

That pulls my new life more near.

So nothing unventured is ever ungained

The old struggle melts from my heart with the pain.

The pain rolls away

So easily and free

I wonder how on Earth

I could have held it so close to me.

For such liberation comes , breathing comes too

A fresh breath of life from the one that I knew.

So Freedom I found you!

Freedom I feel

So like for the first time ever I yield

To that sweet Utter feeling

That Surrender Divine

I have pulled through the threshold

And found Life is Sublime.

I thank God for my effort

I thank God for my Life

And I know that in time I will thank God for my strife.

For the strife that it was

Is as a dream for me now

As I step each step further

No fear doth surround.

Breathing in deeply

I surrender in Peace

I Utterly yield to Life I’ve yet to feast.

by me 31.8.2013.    

Please Note: If you share this poem, please do so without alteration and give due credit to myself as author. Thank you.

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