Saturday 21 September 2013

Spring Equinox . . Plus!

Greetings and Salutations Dear Fellow Travellers on The Universal Journey.

I have been unable to find time to write here in a while as you can tell. There is SO much going on, Universally! Thus my attentions have needed to be elsewhere.

This weekend is the Spring Equinox. Last Thursday was the full moon. Together they have formed a massive energy juncture available for us to elevate our thinking, our Spirit , our Consciousness and our Hearts, our Awakening, our Vibrations. There is a window being opened to a new dawn arising.

Do you choose to be a part of it? Do you sense the culmination of something finally arriving  in your life? Do you find a restlessness of something just beneath the surface but can’t quite put your finger on it? 

 Sit on the ground (if you can), take a deep breath, imagine roots growing down from the souls of your feet or from the end of your spine deep into Mother Earth, close your eyes and ask your HigherSelf, your Soul, your Guides or Angels (whomever is listening for your Highest Good!) : 

Who Am I?

What Am I Here for now?

What do I need to do to bring myself into balance and alignment with my Higher Purpose?

These are big questions. Be prepared for big answers. But also, don’t be expecting to hear back immediately. It may take some time for the Universe to answer, so take note of signs, prompts and urges. For those of you finding this new way of ‘living’: as they come up, ask if this is a sign for you to follow. Get used to working in an ongoing relationship, daily, with your intuition or these forms of prompts and guidance from a Higher Source. It takes time and an inward focus and forms of Guidance may change as time progresses. But don’t let yourself become totally dependant on outside help as it is also your own responsibility to work from your own Heart and Soul. Get to know yourSelf better. This can also change as we grow! We all make mistakes, or just take small detours because of such. . . still all good in our bigger plan to find our True Selves and our True Way.  It is an ongoing work in progress to fine tune, balance and adjust our Higher pathway communications at each step of our Journeys especially with the radical and very frequent energy shifts and fluctuations happening around our worlds. For it is about the separation of the old from the new that these are also occurring.

And if you don’t read this until after the equinox, don’t think that you have missed anything! The energies are here to stay , it is up to you to make the most of them, for yourSelf and others as we take the Journey together and individually. It will just become more difficult to keep to any of your old outdated ways, behaviours, beliefs, relationships etc that need to step up or that should be let go of and find clearing now. 

We are being inundated with Loving Energy at the moment so let it enfold you, if that is all you wish to do.

You may also like to re-read my blog entry on "Spring" .

That’s all for now, so I hope you can find some time to be still and open and allow the breeze of new energies to come to you.

Flowing Divine Bliss Be with You on

The Universal Journey.

Love  and Blessings,
Starwhite Earthguide.

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