Thursday 26 September 2013

More Information

Hello Again Dear Ones,
 There is so much in the way of explanations coming , so rapidly , day by day, that I am urged to deliver a little more for you this morning.

Not only has the question been asked "Who Are You?" but now we are also being 'graded' so to speak. The Universe, Higher Guiding Powers that Be, are testing to see how much we have properly integrated within us from this latest alignment and awakening process. It is not a test as we humans know it, but more of a diagnostic process as to our current levels of vibration and awareness, at this point in time.

We are, in the previous few days and continues as I 'speak', coming into a process of being put into situations or being shown things, to see from what base we react. Do you act spontaneously from a fearful level? Or do you remain calm and still and take a little time to deliberate to arrive at a more peace-aligned or heartfelt response, or in some cases there may not be a need for a response at all. Our usual signals are being confused as we alter our perceptions from the old to the new.

Please keep these 'testing scenarios' in mind now when things arise in your life.
Please just stop, try to detach a little from any immediate fearful response, take a few deep breaths and remind yourself of what you are reading here now. Try to find your balance and centre yourself in an aura of calm and aspire to come from the place of love, even if it is very difficult to do so. Just to even aspire to come from this loving space will help advance the process of raising the necessary vibration level within you and around you. You are now trying to see beyond the illusionary world and to see from the space of a more loving world to come.

Stay tuned!  or I should say attuned! Connecting to our Mother Earth will assist greatly, be it land sea or sky.

And if you are not feeling a part of this process, please just have a heart for those around you who are having a bit of a time with it.

Great abundant blessings of calm and peace be with you Dear Ones,
Starwhite Earthguide.
The Universal Journey.

" Be like a leaf that floats on high
Know no bounds as life drifts by"

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