Monday 30 September 2013

El CORAZON 1.10.2013

 'Stepping Stones'
Greetings Dearest Ones !

How are you going on The Universal Journey?
I make this entry today from the most sacred and awakened arena possible at this present time. 

Today is 1.10.2013. = 1.1.6 =  1 & 1 form a gateway, 6 denotes Love.  The 10 in the centre place denoting beginning and ending. Therefore having awoken from the Spring Equinox as 1 ( the I in I Am) and begun (1)  a forward step on our journey we can end ( 0 ) this current leg and pass through the Gateway and arrive at Love .
Altogether  = 8 and also Infinity symbol denoting, amongst other things, Balance on many levels, especially and importantly, anchoring in this New One. If you recall an earlier blog entry from my old spiritual teacher Gwen: LEVEL = LEVEL.  (Equinox also denoting equal/balance)
So to assist your new loving vibrational entrance, below is a short chapter ( El Corazon) and Meditation from my CD/ Spiritual Development Course: "A Practical Guide To Riding The Galactic Wave." 
This was written earlier and recorded back in 2007 at another pivotal portal and juncture in Time. 
Enjoy for the Present One and Beyond, 
In great Love for you,
Starwhite Earthguide.

( If you wish to contact me use my gmail address on this site: )

" El Corazon.

"The Heart.

Often this can be a difficult chakra to Hold Open and work lovingly Through ,  when we find things of the mundane,  unhelpful world encroach upon us. But our Hearts can connect to our Earth to stabilize us and put things into Perspective. The following is what I found to be a most effective Heart balancing exercise , having arisen from a personal meditation of my own .

Sit or stand, once again in your comfortable space, or preferably out amidst Nature.

Close your eyes and regulate your breath.

Feel your feet upon the earth or floor and extend those roots down deep into the earth below.

Imagine that from far above there comes, so softly and lightly, a gentle shower of golden rain.

Feel it fall upon your shoulders ,  the top of your head ,  your face.

Extend your arms if you wish to capture even more of this delicate Golden Light as it falls to you.

Your entire body can be as absorbent as a sponge, drinking in the light.

Feel it tingle gently upon your skin,  you can even feel it through your clothes.

Golden , soft sparkling light, raining all over you.

Now the golden sparkles slow their fall to you and begin to draw together in the space above your head.

Bit by bit , the particles of light come together to form a three dimensional Star - like two pyramids melded together , from above and below.

This is a Merkabah Star.

Watch it form gradually for you.

As the last sparkle of light completes the Star 's form ,  the Star begins to slowly descend down through the top of your head , ever so gently .

You may feel a sensation as it does this  - let it happen and just feel this sensation and let the Star continue to move downwards.

Down , down , slowly through your head .

Moving even further down now , past your throat and down into your chest area , where it settles into your Heart or Higher Heart region .

Here the Merkabah Star begins to spin.

As it spins , it is clearing any fears or hindering vibrations , unneeded emotional ties and restrictions , that are held there . Many are held there subconsciously. Just be open to letting them go , releasing them so that you can breath more easily , feel more lightened in your body.

Take a deep cleansing breath.

Do you see these unneeded threads and vibrations spinning away off the spinning star?

They will go out to the Universe to be dissolved and remade into loving energy.

Let the Merkabah spin as much as you feel the need , until it begins to slow its speed ,  slower and slower , until it comes to ... a... complete...     stop.

Still held within your heart ,  it has brought a lightening of this Divine chakra and a new openness for your Higher Self.

Now with your golden Heart star in place,  place one or both hands over this same place.

Take your inner gaze to the space directly out in front of you.

An image of a Golden Being appears before you.

She/he is glowing and levitating out in front of you.

She/he is smiling and so pleased to see you so newly cleaned and wishes to give you a blessing.

As you continue to gaze at her/him, this Divine Being projects golden rays of great love and compassion to you .

This envelopes your entire being and fills your Heart to overflowing with such all encompassing love.

Take a truer deep breath.  

And another.

As you feel this great power throughout your entire body , know that you are that love -  always.

You can feel this way at any time and most importantly, to assist you on your Universal Journey!

You can remind others even silently , that they too are this great love.

Now you are full to the brim with this loving energy and self empowerment from within.

Feel the boundless love for all things and the entire Universe itself.

Slowly , the Being begins to diminish in size and draws slowly away from you.

Send great thanks from your New Heart for this gift and its reminder of who and what you are.

As the Being disappears , the Star in your Heart begins to rise back up through your body , until it moves back out through the top of your head.

Once above your head ,  it too begins to dissolve and the multitude of golden sparkles disperse and return to the cosmos.

But remember , now that you have connected with this energy , you can call on its support any time you feel the need, or it may even come when you are beyond sensing the need within you as it can arrive automatically to assist you. 

All you need do is think of that Star and it will be able to help clear your fears and concerns in its most loving way.

Take a deep breath.

Wriggle your toes and feel the weight of your feet and body on this earth .

Flex your fingers and open your eyes slowly.

Stretch and take a long drink of water.

Take time before you return to the world. "

Blessings All.

Thursday 26 September 2013

More Information

Hello Again Dear Ones,
 There is so much in the way of explanations coming , so rapidly , day by day, that I am urged to deliver a little more for you this morning.

Not only has the question been asked "Who Are You?" but now we are also being 'graded' so to speak. The Universe, Higher Guiding Powers that Be, are testing to see how much we have properly integrated within us from this latest alignment and awakening process. It is not a test as we humans know it, but more of a diagnostic process as to our current levels of vibration and awareness, at this point in time.

We are, in the previous few days and continues as I 'speak', coming into a process of being put into situations or being shown things, to see from what base we react. Do you act spontaneously from a fearful level? Or do you remain calm and still and take a little time to deliberate to arrive at a more peace-aligned or heartfelt response, or in some cases there may not be a need for a response at all. Our usual signals are being confused as we alter our perceptions from the old to the new.

Please keep these 'testing scenarios' in mind now when things arise in your life.
Please just stop, try to detach a little from any immediate fearful response, take a few deep breaths and remind yourself of what you are reading here now. Try to find your balance and centre yourself in an aura of calm and aspire to come from the place of love, even if it is very difficult to do so. Just to even aspire to come from this loving space will help advance the process of raising the necessary vibration level within you and around you. You are now trying to see beyond the illusionary world and to see from the space of a more loving world to come.

Stay tuned!  or I should say attuned! Connecting to our Mother Earth will assist greatly, be it land sea or sky.

And if you are not feeling a part of this process, please just have a heart for those around you who are having a bit of a time with it.

Great abundant blessings of calm and peace be with you Dear Ones,
Starwhite Earthguide.
The Universal Journey.

" Be like a leaf that floats on high
Know no bounds as life drifts by"

The Message

The Message.

Dear Ones,
How are you feeling since last we ‘met’ and I spoke of the special Equinox? It has been most powerful. What an amazing time we live in.

There is much adjustment continuing to be done on many people.  Many varied responses to the energy pillars created to be made available to you. Some remain in denial, while others struggle to accept their truer self. Some felt nothing at all. And yet others embrace it openly with sense of great relief, completion and satisfaction like a dear old comforting and long lost friend returned. For some identities indeed have been ‘lost‘ to you for millenia.

So I address two directions. Those who accepted the challenge and those who found difficulty doing so. Do not place judgement upon either choice taken by your fellow journeyers, or your own self-decision!

For those who have sought and discovered a new essence of themselves. Go well and steady now. It takes some time to integrate these new-found elements. Go delicately with yourself. Let your new essence guide you more strongly and clearly each day. Little bumps and hiccups will occur of course. But keep to the New Path as the rewards will manifest around you. Find some alleviation or solace in natural remedies, deep breathing and other simple grounding techniques to help allow and anchor this new way, new design. For it is like a previous you, of a rich incarnation or deeper level, returning to you, to your current body. You are holding more of yourself within yourself!

Of the others, do not feel dismayed. Some of you may be feeling fearful and unsure, experiencing set backs or confusion. Let it be known, Dear Ones, that your own journey in this way is still fruitful for you. These feelings of fear and insecurity, disharmony or dis-clarity are signs that your old illusion-based ego-self is trying to thwart your attempts to raise your vibration and discover your True Self. The people around you, unless you take steps otherwise, will sound like they are confirming your fearful thoughts and feelings. Do not let yourself be led astray from that initial impulse and guidance to seek and to find your inner Truth. It is the right way and the good way as the world moves on into the higher realms of love and freedom. Continue your spiritual journey with confidence that all will come in due time and seek further loving uplifting support, rather than from those in the old spiral of being.

Of the others having found a newer version of themselves, keep this alignment going. Re-balance and refresh your memories of your profound experiences. Do not fall into denial of them or you will fall back asleep and find difficulty awakening more fully when the next advancement comes along. For your most ardent piece of advice:
(When you were answered as to Who Am I ?)
This is not so much a transformation process, but an awakening as to Who You Truly Are. Reaffirm strongly and clearly and repeatedly, day after day, your new name or identity (privately). Let it sink in and find its place within you. Accept as much as you can and hold it in your being for now and work and live from this new place. By doing this, you also assist the much greater process happening world wide, to anchor the higher truer vibrations more securely and aid progression of our heart and truth based model home.

Let it also be known, having experienced this before, that this is not the one and only time this will occur. Other future portals will bring along another opportunity. 

And for all of you. We are amazing beings. We have shown great feats of courage and withstanding and love. Live amongst that love. Take it as a comfort and consoling and most rewarding and deserving gift, just as precious to give as to receive. Keep the Peace within you. Move on , move on , move on!

Enjoy Divine Peace Dear Ones,
Until we meet again,
Starwhite Earthguide assisting you on
The Universal Journey.