Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Vibes for 1st January 2014

1st January 2014.
New Years Greetings Dear People!

Happy New Vibrations for a New Year on The Universal Journey. 

2014 arrived a bit noisily around here, but with great enthusiasm at least!

I would just like to take a few moments to look at a couple of things that line up for today which are interesting and let you move on with perhaps recovering. . . I am a bit bleary-eyed from lack of sleep myself, so forgive any typos or slight confusion of words!

Firstly the date/numerology - I must add here though, that after learning about the meanings of numbers, they also show certain character traits of their own for me which may differ from the usual, especially depending on their context with each other, so I hope those of you who do traditional numerology can just bear with that.
1.1.2014 = 1 + 1+ 7 = 9
The two ones denote initial, beginnings, individuality etc, so that is no big surprise as we begin the year. There being two ones though also create a doorway or gateway - usually offered for those who recognise that and sit in meditation and visualise passing through this as a means of great illumination in which ever way is suitable for the recipient. Most powerful also to be able to do this in this particular moon phase as there is added liberation. The 2 , as general vibration during this era denotes the feminine aspect we have been in since the year 2000. The zero as a circle, an opportunity for completions once again; cycle of life and the constant aura of The Almighty or Divine Consciousness. Another 1 after the zero can be seen as being able to have the vibes of the zero reflecting onto the Self. The 4 alone can also denote endings amongst other things, yet the surrounding numbers tend to blend that all into the ultimate year number . . .  2=0=1=4= 7. The 7 I have always sensed as the number of the Spirit. So where last year was the 6 of the Heart - 7 to me denotes a year of the Spirit and all that that encompasses for each of us. Then we come to the 9. Nine is the end of a cycle, the completion of a series. But also for me and my association with numbers, 9 denotes  reference to past lifetimes. So from this I say, don't be surprised if there arises some past life concepts or qualities encroaching on your dream state or into your day to day activities and conscious awareness. As some people went through the 'Who Am I' arising from last September's Equinox, some others may now find that more prominent for themselves because of this numerical element. Just make a note and meditate on that for yourself. It is only a possibility, but might put some things into perspective for you later. It may not mean an issue is arising - but some positive aspect of your former self to empower you at this time. Just keep that in mind. Remember, it is also a time of re-finding ourselves so that we become more complete and whole as a person to take us more fully aware of who we are and what we can do and have chosen to do , prior to incarnation,  into this Golden Age - so this is all a part of that too.

The other thing I notice, is that tonight is calendared as the New Moon. New Moon -New Year - hence a double renewing! But also most pertinent is the New Moon effect. As it comes, we are able to find a great relief in its absence - this is a good time to be really letting go of old stale ideas, habits, projects that are just not working, attitudes that are not working either. This has a great liberating effect for the Spirit (7) so that you can move much more freely and refreshed and unburdened into the coming year. Relinquish whatever may be holding you back and find a new freedom for yourself and let your Spirit rise to the occasion - whatever and whenever that may arise!

So with the 2 sets of doubles - 2 x 1 and New Moon new Year = expect changes and releases to come whether we are prepared or not, I think! The doorway effect leads directly into the Spirit aspect which can be of significance to people beginning this  year.  Lots in the numbers is amplified by the effect of the New Moon and in its absence we can find a new liberation for ourselves . . .it is always a choice of course. But, if your Soul has chosen to do so without your conscious awareness, it will occur anyway. Do not be concerned as it is all for your highest good always. Another reason to meditate and find out more about your self!

I haven't looked into the Chinese New Year aspects yet, but that may bring in more of a picture for you too.

So Beloveds,
fare well as we begin and step out on another leg of The Universal Journey. . .smooth travelling to you! Onwards and Upwards!

Starwhite Earthguide.

Monday 30 December 2013

31st Dec 2013.

Tuesday 31st Dec 2013.

Hello Good People.

I write a final note for 2013 on The Universal Journey and hope that you are all doing very very well as you make your way through this world with its many levels of amazing existence; with its infinite variety of characters and personalities; with its unlimited scope of potential; and with its awesome panorama of such wide-ranging life-forms and natural wonders!

We live in an awesome world full of colour, life, vibration and pattern. All of which is constantly changing – such is the nature of life and evolution and The Universal Journey that we each chose to undertake and be a part of. This lifetime, as different from all past others, has gifted us with the capacity to grasp concepts of great open vision upon ourselves, to learn exactly who we are, where we came from and who else lives around our Solar System, Galaxy and Universe and its multiple levels.
We have all come here to learn, to participate, to help grow individually and in group formations. We are creatures of boundless reach and form – once you allow yourself to truly discover this as you grow in meditative contemplation of such esoteric things. Yet not be too distracted from the great practical use that can come of these discoveries and cement them into the physical world around you. For that is also of the Divine plan – to bring into this realm vibrations of change and enlightenment for the assistance, upliftment and renewed balance of nature in all its forms; including that of our Earth and ourselves.

Truly even the wheel of karma itself has been altered, slowed, compressed. Whether you choose or not to continue with this idea – it is falling away as the higher vibrations, which ourselves and loving Beings around and outside our planet have been helping to raise, as Mother Earth herself raises.It is part of the illusionary world being left behind. All you need do is choose that. Karma is itself becoming shorter lived, more instantaneous, so that soon the term “Be Fully Present In The Moment” will become the worldwide norm, not just one for the few who are aware of it.
Imagine creating this world such as that, where everyone lives in the present moment with no fear of what the future holds and no fears carried from the past. Each person, each Soul, living and thinking in the present moment, intuitively, constantly, co-creating a perfect world from the Heart of Life, the Heart of Love , and from that Divine Place that only comes with acute clarity of purpose and alignment with our Divine purpose, on an individual as well as worldwide level. Hence the multi-levels of existance open much further! The multi-levels of ourselves open much further! And we have even deeper access to our previously hidden qualities, gifts and unlimited potential! What a Divine World and opportunity to discover!

It is all there just waiting to be chosen.

So Dear Ones, I know that this Being who writes here for you will be taking a few moments today to contemplate a new world – whatever 2014 brings.

I plan to create a Medicine Wheel from my crystals and sit myself within it.  I will look to my Ancestors, both of this life-time and from my past and I will meet with them, lovingly as always, and review a little and learn a little and let go of a little and attempt to bring myself into a clearer aspect of where I am and what I am heading towards. The ‘who am I’ aspect was most pronounced and integrated already this year for myself, as with many others also, so that will undoubtedly assist in the coming months with whatever lies ahead.

So The Universal Journey continues as ever, onwards and upwards. Take care, of yourself and others. Smile and laugh a lot. Take time to drink in Mother Nature's wonders and let that fill your Hearts. Keep your eyes and ears forward and let your footsteps show the definition of your way. Breathe, move, relax, replenish. Live a bigger life.

Blessings to you all.
Starwhite Earthguide.

Saturday 28 December 2013

Crowning Glory. How will you enter 2014?

Sun 29 Dec 2013.  

Crowning Glory. How will you enter 2014?

The Universal Journey for 2013 closes and we prepare for the New Mystery of 2014.

Greetings Fellow Journeyers!

The hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season wanes; the different feeling of anticipation of the New Year’s Eve begins and leads us into the Dawn of the New Year. 

How will you enter this New Year? How will your vibration be? Will you enter on a new note of Balance and Alignment within yourself and within your new world? (For we have all created a little newer world for ourselves throughout this one!) Take a little time to ponder these things. Do you wish to remain as you were during 2013? Will you deliberate upon and maintain as closely as possible, your higher vibration, centred more from your High Heart chakra, your more open and aligned Third Eye and Crown? Yet still maintain that constant and revitalisingly necessary, Base, Soles and Earth Star chakra link? Hhmmm a balancing act indeed! Yet simple to meditate upon and find a means for its rectification and adjustment, if you do so mindfully.

Ponder this term for a moment – CROWN. Let the images flow from just the word. Does it not conjure a golden circular precious jewel or crystal encrusted form? Even if originally from a more distant age, and of a most significant essence of might and empowerment. . . but, we ALL have a Crown. It is a natural part of our design, our form, a part of our head. We are all in the era – the Alchemical Golden Era - of enabling ourselves to wear this crown. Of course not for ruling over others. . . but for the higher esteem , self-compassion, love and guidance we invest and can be guided by within ourselves for our own Highest Good and to carry us forward on The Universal Journey. It is not about worth, nor devaluing self or others, but coming into a more complete awareness of who you are and what you are capable of becoming – so much more!

Polish that crown, dust it off if you’ve been keeping it hidden or totally forgotten about it! It’s place is upon your head – it encircles the area in which the cosmic energies from the Great Sea of Love may enter your self, through your Soul Star Chakra above your head. Imagine this Loving Divine energy from the Cosmos, the Source, passing down, focused into your Soul Star Chakra and delivered gently and gradually at first, down through your Crown and Third Eye and then dispersed down through the rest of your chakra system and out through your feet-soles , down into your Earth Star Chakra and beyond to nourish Mother Earth at the same time. What a wonderful mystical, yet also balancing and aligning process. Try it again, and just let yourself dwell momentarily in this beautiful aura of Loving Light that has been enhanced by your conscious awareness of your own Crown upon your head and now, allow it to flow more strongly to and fill and then out through your Heart and High Heart, to surround you and all who may be near you – for the Highest Good of All. 

Remind yourself throughout your days that the crown – this golden symbol - sits atop your head as a very private sign for your own self empowerment of yourself, of your ability to maintain your balance, your Divine connections, your Higher purpose and alignment to that, thereby allowing the clear and defined reign of your Highest Self and the Source of Love. 

And crown your year’s end with a momentous private occasion in your own quiet meditative time: time to ponder and ask about the year to come; what preparations you may need to do; what there may lie in store for you and your loved ones. Let yourself also cast a parting glance back over your shoulder to the last 12 months and how that journey has lead you up to this very time and place in which you find yourself now. For better or worse, it has all been for you! It has all been for your Soul’s benefit in some form or another, whether you can see that or not. Now, if you want to change that for the coming year – change your mind, change your aspect, change your outlook and recall that Crowning Glory on your head as your means of achieving and glorifying your Divine Nature. Not always easy, but always an option.

So, Divine Love and Blessings Dear Ones on The Universal Journey.

Starwhite Earthguide signing off for now.

May Peace reign and open-hearts be yours into the doorway and throughout 2014 
and I look forward to writing more on the numerology and aura of this in future postings. 
Farewell 2013, the Year of the Heart as you send ripples for us into the future
Thank you!

Friday 13 December 2013

3 Wise Men and The Christmas-Star-Comet Ison and Solstice.

Sat 14th Dec 2013.

Hello Good People on The Universal Journey.

Sorry it’s been a while since I wrote, but life just took over! And the precious Christmas Season is here once again! There is so much in the title for today, and lots to discuss and get you thinking about in this blog entry!

Some of you may have been , like myself, following the progress of our latest cosmic visitor –the comet Ison. It was first noticed way out in space last year and was nick-named the Christmas Comet. (Did you catch the unintended pun there? – ‘’nick- named” – St Nick?, get it ?)

Anyway, this comet has been travelling through our Solar System and passed relatively close enough to be seen from here, then on around the Sun. I first became aware of its presence as the Spring Equinox approached in September this year. It was reported to be heading through the Pleiades star system at that time and was also reported, metaphysically, to be quite a bit more than the average comet, with perhaps hidden ‘visitors’ within its form, as it appeared then to travel in  formation with 2 other ‘vehicles’ either side. Either way, as a comet, it absolutely had an intensifying effect on the Equinox Portal event energies that occurred and filtered through to us. (see my blog entry on that for details).  Comets in general , whenever they appear, bring big forms of change – change in jobs, change in living and lifestyles, change in relationships. They tend to fly in and around and out like a great cosmic mop sweeping away all the unnecessary dust and dirt that we no longer need in our lives. . . for the better!

This one, with its beautiful blue/turquoise hues and sometimes pinks (which is also significant), has had multiple effects: the portal activations, intensifying of our own personal shifts in vibration, its very unusual and irregular path of trajectory and general behaviour which confused the astronomers who thought they could predict such things (love it when Nature takes its own course!), and the timing of this comet and its role in our evolutionary development as a planet of great and vast life forms – in our raising to Christ Consciousness. 

Now, in its appearance and timing, I also relate this to the journey of The Three Magi or Wisemen. They travellled for months following that famous star – some say it was a comet too. And I think it divinely timely that this one occur for us now, as another guiding star to guide us to that holy place within us – our own Christ Consciousness in its ongoing birth this year. Melchior, Balthazar and Gaspar followed that sacred point of light in the sky to behold the wonderous arrival of a Divine Being incarnate who became one of the most humble, mighty and vibration-shifting embodiments to have chosen to come to Earth. Ahmen. Now is our opportunity . . .  our Divine purpose . . .to accept that we too are becoming much more aware of our own true and deeper connections, alignment and direct contact to the God Source than we could ever have contemplated before! Jesus Himself said that we can do as much as He , and even more! Now is the time to wake up to this as it truly becomes a reality for us. It is already happening around you! See how the old ways , beliefs and patterns are falling away? Yes it is painful, but also for our greatest good and higher purpose. But we must find this way through real love – unconditional and unrelenting – for ourselves and for all things in all ways. And sometimes it means ‘tuff love’, seeming to not be as we were and be something stronger yet still loving and kind in different ways to before. This may sound confusing – meditate on that yourself. For we are not alone in the cosmos, and we have been and remain loved for Eternity from dimensions and realms far beyond our small comprehensions. Let yourself come to an understanding of this and let it settle into your consciousness at this sacred time of year as a blessing and a gift such as was brought by the 3 wise men of old and by the Baby Jesus Himself.  

This is also what the portal events are now strongly about for us. To bring in conscious awareness of exactly who and where and what we are in the even bigger scheme of things, in our Christ Consciousness Awareness of things  – in our little corner of The Universe. 
The next one is Summer Solstice on next weekend (21st, 22nd). If you can, take some time to sit and be very still, breathe deeply and slowly. Best is  beside a body of water or where you can let the ocean wash new waves of energy towards you to help embody the incoming energies as a physical accompaniment to the cosmic energy waves rolling in. This also helps to ground the new waves into our planet as you become a conduit, a channel , for both, and assist our precious home-world as well as yourself and all life.

I would also like to mention that as we farewell one cosmic comet, we also farewell another glorious and world-changing human one - Nelson Mandela. Thank you. The world lives on for the better in the strong and gentle trail you have blazed and may you find a little peace and rest before your next Universal Journey.

So, dear loved and blessed ones, take time to have a meditation this year if you don’t usually do that. Open your heart and mind to the new cosmic Christ-like part of you! It is time and timely to do so right now!

And in case I don't get to blog again before, have the most peace-filled joyous and miraculous Christmas ever! 
and I look forward to taking a peek into 2014 before the year is out to see what that might bring.

Blessings on The Universal Journey.

Starwhite Earthguide.