Saturday 17 August 2019

“Integrity of Learning" - Studying with a Genuine Teacher, Traditional Style.

“Integrity of Learning - Studying with a Genuine Teacher, Traditional Style.”

This blog began on a topic of one thing but transformed into another. So I do as I am guided – especially in my writing! The blog following this one is the message from the Ascended One. Enjoy & ponder both! - dear Ones on The Universal Journey.

Do you know of the Ascended Masters? Some in this era have never heard of these Beings who were a strong and illuminating part of the previous era. A group toward whom one might strive to contact or learn from, even though their lessons be awkward and difficult as they delve deeply and into resolving long held past life issues & unbalanced character traits etc, progress and raised vibration was well earned and grounded within the person after such effort.

This current era is very different to the previous.

In the previous era I, as many of us then, did most of my spiritual awakening in a very private and individual way with specific teachers in person, not online, who I was drawn to or arrived for me. Often it was in groups who developed a rapport & common sense of purpose or intuitive connection.

Sure the internet has opened up many and diverse fields for people to learn from within their own home. As well as many dodgy and unhelpful ones. It would never be contemplated to meditate using an app! It is a much more personal and private experience than that in which to truly learn, be guided, and be sent off with techniques to use for your own awakening journey.  

It is now more difficult for new awakeners to discern for themselves, especially without the prior experience of being in the presence of an honourable teacher.
We are being bombarded by marketing strategies that hack into our psyches & devices and have us believe that so-and-so has popped up for us at just the right time! Being guided by intuition or not, there are still valuable characteristics to learn and integrate within you for healthy growth. Due diligence is needed more than ever – and that in itself is exhausting!

But in the old way, we were shown how to respect the service and gifts and teachings by actually showing up in person, taking our time, (before it was trendy to say ‘being present in the moment’), making the effort in all kinds of weather & locations. If I was strongly urged then I would go. Even if the regular classes became a bit tedious or not always exciting and eventful, it was about being there, following some dedication, and sharing and allowing the understanding that things have ebb and flow.

Also it was about finding the resonance that builds when a group of people, in kindness and without gossip or judgement, gather. I always created a sanctuary for gatherers, and still endeavour to. There were also many integral lessons to be learnt just by observing the presence, manner, attitude, respect and so much more, from the spiritual teacher. And I had some awesome ones, who I learned not only about how to treat people with dignity, respect and integrity, but other teachers who taught me how not to make people feel when you have their confidence! It is about leadership in myself and creating discoveries of empowerment of the student.

I understand that people raising their vibration in this day and age may have a time of it. I offer many suggestions in my sessions but it is always up to the individual to discern for themselves. But some can be ever so simple to do, without much prior arrangement or time allocation. But then the perceived importance of the illusion of time is sometimes a challenge to overcome and that is another story altogether.

I am not here to profess that my teaching is the one for you - that is your divine choice and the fun of life!

Cheers for now Beloveds on
The Universal Journey.

If you are interested - see my website or FB page for my services, consults & treatment info.

“Starwhite Healing and Guidance.”

**NB If you wish to share this or any of my blogs, do so without alteration and due credit to myself.

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