Saturday 17 August 2019

En-Lightenment from The Lady Nada.

Greetings to You Beloveds on The Universal Journey.

The Lady Nada is an Ascended One.  Also known as A Lady of the Seven Rays. 

She is an illuminated being of Light who has had several incarnations in different forms (as well as on Earth) and makes herself available for service to us if we should ask or if we reach a level of vibration or a guided direction of particular purpose.

Over many years I have had a few of these Masters/Ladies work with me both personally in my growth as well as for me to channel for my meditation/healer groups.
Now they only pop in occasionally, unexpectedly, and as I sat beneath the full moon after my beginning ceremonial thanks and dedications, I asked if there was anyone of the higher realms who would like to impart any wisdoms to me.

Sometimes to find a connection to “upstairs” for people unused to going there, it requires some effort and openness. But I had been found by a migraine the day before and having done what I do to alleviate that, I also was called to head off to the mountains that I know & several energy points/portals on the trip – including several trees.

Now prior to this migraine, I & some others, had noticed a difference in the light coming from the sun. It is hard to describe or define, but it seemed clearer, whiter, lighter yet also inexplicable. But the fact that it drew my attention was the interesting thing.
I know sometimes flares or other cosmic events cause light codes from our sun to change. Perhaps this happened. And as I heard from Lady Nada, this was not an unusual thing.

In hindsight, these changes are part of why I felt the migraine so strongly. The other part was the effect of the full moon reflecting these light changes. But the healing from the ancient forest & mountains was the best medicine I could have been called out to heal with. And Mother Nature did call me out very strongly.

Later that evening I sat outside with candles feeling deep gratitude for my healing visit and much more. I held a little ceremony between myself and Great Spirit, Divine Mother, and asked if anyone of the higher realms would like to share any info with me as I was so open to that then.

As soon as thought, a woman appeared wearing a shawl/veil over her head and shoulders. She looked in her middle age (but Spirit can show as any age or form!). Asking her name she replied using no words, that I might know her as Lady Nada. I did know she is an Ascended Master, but had no idea about her work or aspect she specialises in for humanity, or for me.

She did not ‘speak’ as such, but as often happens, planted concepts and phrases & images in my mind to clarify & also rectifies my inaccurate interpretations.

She is an “emissary of *Light”. From here on it gets a little metaphysical. Lady Nada works with Light in particle form – infuses Light particles into mitochondria – but can only infuse the particles into receptive mitochondria. This receptivity pertains to the degree of conscious openness of any person at any particular time. So a person may have a few moments of perfect opportunity for Lady Nada to direct Light particles into relevant mitochondria at particular points or areas of the body.

She proceeded to demonstrate on me. I could feel a jiggling sensation within an area of my body – but by example for comparison in this demonstration – not all over me. It was different to goose bumps. I am very familiar with this sensation over the years and now I have a clearer reason for it.

Sometimes the beams of Light may be altered by Lady Nada to integrate and communicate with our mitochondria – but in particle form. The infused particles can affect our **mitochondrial DNA – the aspect that holds inherited traits, issues, and illness in an energetic way from our ancestral lineage. She is able to transmute the particles as necessary, and in whatever way necessary to suit each individual, at any one specific time.

Now as I write the word ‘time’ – I am halted to explain that she wishes us to know that time is always relative and runs concurrently. Hence we can heal the past, heal our ancestors, our childhood etc. Not in a simple way to explain here, but felt and discovered personally by the use of different energy techniques and can be assisted by Lady Nada.
She suggests you try for yourself:  sit meditationally, call on her and ask for her guidance and healing assistance with the Light particles to be infused into your mitochondria, within your cells (she can best choose the site) for your own healing.

I will love to read of your experiences.

So here ends another blog. In great divine Love and Light.
I look forward to more adventures on The Universal Journey.

* I write the word Light here with a capital letter to differentiate from the energetic, vibrational & transformational form of Light I refer to, rather than from any other form of light from a 3d source.

** Mitochondrial DNA – these are the carriers of Light – actual scientifically discovered micro-organisms that always live within our cells – until we die and assist with life-force energy. They are inherited from our maternal lineage – our grandmothers. If any of you have been urged to follow the learnings of the Grail & other mystery schools, you may also know this.

 ***NB If you wish to share this or any of my blogs, do so without alteration and due credit to myself.

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