Wednesday 26 December 2018

2019: A Three Year in this Aquarian New Age.

2019: A Three Year in this Aquarian New Age.

Greetings Beloveds and Earth-Stars on The Universal Journey.

I will love to explore & delve a little deeply into the significant Three Year vibration that 2019 brings us into.

To find this we simply add 2+0+1+9 = 12 = 1+2  =3.

Some of us are Three Year people – that number being our relevant Ruling Number. To find yours simply add up all the numbers of your birth date.

Each number vibrates to a different signature frequency with relevant characteristic traits, talents & challenges to be met.

When our own personal number is matching that of the year number, then we are given more aligned opportunities for growth, success (in whatever way that is defined for you – not always about money or fame), harmony with incoming changes and developments. It can be a big year of achievement with wonderful surprises! In general, if we can allow ourselves to become aligned more fully with the vibrational numerology of the year, then optimistically, the ride will be a much smoother one. Even if you are not a Three in a Three Year, to align and allow an openness can still bring a more harmonious result.

Some of you may also be entering a personal 3 year: add your day, month of birth then the current year. This energetic vibrational wave arrives close to your actual birthday to carry you through to the following year, but can be felt up to a month before or a month after.

Personally, even if I wasn’t a Three, I would still love this number. It is inspiring of creativity & manifestation, and according to one source, is a bringer of joy! 
It encompasses lots from my perspective:

Three is the number denoted in points and circle of the traditional Celtic Knot, Triquetra.

Three denotes the trilogy of the basic dimensions relative to evolving humankind – Heaven, Earth and Spirit (or the mystical) Also: body, mind and soul. . . mental, physical, spiritual.

There are three points on Neptune’s trident.

Our three main heavenly bodies - earth, moon and sun.

Three points of light in the sky that denote Orion’s Belt.

Three great ancient pyramids of Egypt which align with those stars.

Three is a magical number when gathering for special ceremony or ritual eg bride, groom & minister.

And while we are on the  ancient & starry – three wise-men travelled and arrived to acknowledge the birth of baby Jesus.

“Third time’s a charm” is a traditional saying as 3 is often a lucky number; or 3 wishes granted from a genie; or turning of the teacup as in tea-leaf readings. Also said to be of Time – past, present and future.

It is said to be the first true number according to Pythagoras, as it forms a shape. . .

Three is the number of points, angles and sides of a triangle.

If we extend this shape into further sacred geometry, and fuse together one pointing upwards and one downwards, we result in a 2 dimensional (flat) image of a merkabah. Each of the points of this star shape, having 6 points (3 from each triangle),  then represent particular aspects – 3 divine aspects coming from above in the triangle pointing downwards – channelling divine powers down to us. The 3 points of the upward triangle denoting earthly material or human aspects aiming at evolving & ascending upwards. The combining of the two triangles being the symbol of Spiritual aspiration, illumination, divine ascension, & desire to join with the Higher Power of All That Is; and It desiring to meld with us.
The shape of each of the triangles themselves imitate funnels or energy vortexes.

The three is also commonly known as the sign of the holy trinity but also much more and not exclusive to any religion or cause. Amongst multiple concepts of this are: Mother, Father, and Child (which I prefer rather than that of the masculine wiping out the entire necessity for the female in the Creation & manifestation process as in father, son and holy ghost!)

Of course you may have some interesting personal concepts of the Three for yourself.

Perhaps you are one of three in a family, or one of three siblings.

Perhaps the number of your house is, or adds up to, three.

Perhaps you are in a working group of three or one of the multiples of three such as 21 or 12.

My idea for this blog is just to bring into your awareness a little of this 3 vibration. Therefore optimistically wishing and intending for the alignment of yourself with this coming year of 2019.

Some creative ideas to employ!

Draw or mark out in whatever medium you like (eg. crystals, salt, chalk, stones, sticks, pinecones or in the sand) a triangular shape. Do so with due intention to align with its vibration. Perhaps light a candle in the centre, or place one at each corner. When you have made your creation, pause, breath and with due consideration and attention, step into the triangle & stand or sit or lie for any period that your time allows. (Being careful of the lighted flames!)  How about trying this beneath the constellation of Orion – as above so below! What a cosmic experience and more all-encompassing on levels of earth & the heavens.

 I have done this many times with a sacred circle. Sense for yourself any shifts, changes, thoughts or sensations that you may experience in this sacred space. For that is what you have created.

Draw a triangle or a 6 pointed star to place beside your bed upon which to gaze before and after sleep. Place it in any room you feel it calls you to do so. You may find that you want to have the point upwards, but then at other times, downwards. Just go with it & sense the difference it creates.

You may like to simply use the 3 as a symbol – not necessarily as a number, to gaze into & turn in different directions, sensing its change in energy. Note that one 3 can become an 8 when it is reflected and joined!

You might feel inclined to place furniture in a triangular design; or pot plants, or ornaments, or a more long standing crystal grid in an arrangement of threes.

Have fun with it, but no need to obsess! Enjoy the playtime and I’d love to read of your experiences in comments on FB or on this site.

Happy Three Year to you on The Universal Journey <3 <3 <3


  1. Thank you for all the wonderful information Terri <3
    I am a 30/3 so it certainly looks like it's going to be a magnificent year for me as well.

  2. Thank you very much for commenting. That's wonderful for you! and it is a pleasure for me to share my info - can't help myself sometimes when the writing bug hits! I am glad you relate and find it helpful, I often wonder. More to come! Happy Adventuring into 2019 <3
