Tuesday 2 October 2018

Where Is Your Home-Place?

Weds Oct 3 2018.
Dear Universal Journeyers, A Powerfully Beautiful Channelled Message For You Today:

(This message also falls in line after my posted message of 12.7.2018 "Surfs Up. . .")

Where is your Home-place? Your belonging-place?

What is that place that deeply tells you that you belong to it?

That place that remembers YOU.

 That place that calls you in your times of open minded connections unexpectedly & can flood you with a million images of sights, sounds, fragrances and textures.

That place that brings tears to your eyes as your heart swells from missing it?

It may be the place you are living already.

It may be the place that calls you in your dreams, and in your quiet waking hours.

It may be a place you came across, unexpectedly in a documentary, in a conversation, in a brochure, in a book or in your memory of having been there before, which is stirred at pivotal poignant moments along your life-path – even if not in this life-time, or in this aspect of the ‘un-reality’ that you call Life.

And then as you saw or discovered more of this place, you truly knew that it is where you belong, where you will not rest elsewhere until you have travelled to put your feet upon its ground and smelt the air, touched its surfaces and heard its sounds. . . and allowed it to remember you, and allowed yourself to significantly, deeply remember it.

It is the Earth Herself that has the irrefutable memory, the deepest knowledge of your own sensory history, the true taste of your immortal essence & imprint of your vibration that has descended through the waves of time and place. And in this connection opens to your own DNA memory – the cellular memory containing your Akashic Records in that secret sacred place within you. There are no earthly words to describe this deeply profound experience of blending both aspects within you. 

Our Earth Mother is the Keeper of the Experiences that occur upon Herself; The Matriarch of Her Children; Guardian of Her Fold of all species & dimensions of Reality that occur throughout Her history, behind, present and ahead, yet all as One-time.

 Place your bare feet, your open palms upon the Earth no matter where you be, and in each place you find yourself. Let Mother Earth sense you as you grow in spirit. Bring your newly raised vibration to Her to be real-ly imprinted upon Her and freely shared with Her. Then as you travel, consciously dot the countryside with your imprint, your breath, your essence, your higher vibration so that the world will benefit from this connection and restore something of yourself within the Earth as a gift and as a blessing.

And into the Higher Grid Network shall your vibrations also connect. A reunion of a new version of yourself that links in the eternal web of sacred design and cosmic divine patterning – ever evolving yet ever the same.

Blessed Be Dearest Ones, Star-children of Humanity and Earthly Guardians of your beautiful blue-green orb. More power to you in your evolution of the Spirit.

Ah-wen <3

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