Sunday 28 October 2018

A Portal of Opportunity Looms.

29.10.2018.  =11.1.11

Greetings Beloveds on The Universal Journey. . . lots to absorb & contemplate for your own Self-Meditation:

11.11.11 = 6

11 = Doorway x3 =  therefore a Triple Doorway on Multiple Levels

6 = LOVE

A Portal of Opportunity.

(This blog today is in part channelled & in part my own words)

“Lifting up the eyes to Heaven
Reaching out with Mind and Spirit,
To the Cosmic Realms eternal,
We are one with all Creation,
Time is not, nor is location
In this state of ecstasy”

These words are of divine inspiration. They are channelled from a deeply loving Soul of the Cosmos, a member of my Star Family and a crew member of a great galactic federation which has been there for us since before the time of our ancestors. He is Alizantil and he has a profound and pure love for this planet, “this gem among the heavens”, that we now inhabit. This planet that we have chosen to be born upon for this era of unprecedented awakening, progression and evolution. This concept you are perhaps becoming tired of hearing, but one which remains the reason and in the forefront of everything we are experiencing on multiple levels & dimensions.

The amount of disruption, disturbance and upheaval is a testament to the spiritual cleansing and eruption necessary for massive shifting to occur. Many of you complain about the lack of speed of this change. But, this has all happened within your life-time! This in itself is an extremely short period of time in the great infinite scheme of things! These phenomenal cosmic shifts occurring for your planet, for its important yet a little backward & naïve inhabitants, on this orb of our solar system, have actually been down-graded as masses of you have awakened to assist in playing a significant role in assisting the ascension. Profound gratitude to you in anchoring the shifts. More are in need of awakening.

As a member of the ground crew for my Star Family now awakened during this portion of my lifetime, I offer a few words of support and guidance for yourself if you so choose to indulge.

Swiftly heading towards you is a great portal of opportunity.

You understand the concepts of numerology as a system of vibrational premonitioning and energetic alignment possible if you are willing to open your mind, your heart and consciousness to these finer frequencies. If you are able then, once aligned, to delve deeper within the portals which open for you in this way, great growth & expansion is possible.

11 from the very beginning, is always a doorway which presents itself to you at a time of assessment. The assessment is not only one you make for yourself, about yourself in that particular vibrationary moment; but also the Doorway assesses you as to whether you are ‘up to speed’ so to speak – ‘speed’ being the vibrationary frequency.

The written word of ELEVEN contains the word EVEN meaning ‘level’ (an almost balancing effect with a simple flick of the alphabetic keyboard): LEVEL, this word itself reversed is also LEVEL. One of the many wonders of language! And there is now a great mass of wonder coming to you in the form of light language, both spoken to be heard through auditory vibration as well as written to be sensed energetically/Soulfully, which is an even deeper resonating vibration that can be read by your energy body or your Soul, depending on the purpose and your perceptive state at the time. This is why re-reading/listening to information, especially high vibratory channelling, after a period of time is most underestimated by many of you.

As the 11.11.11 doorway approaches, opportunity arises in forms of ‘testing’, for want of a gentler word, of your evolutionary standpoint. At the 11.11.11 we stand at the next turn of the spiral; the next rising into the next level (there is that word again!) of your own personal spiritual/soulful evolution. There is no right or wrong, only experience (so long as there is no harm done to another).

Guiding & speaking for my long standing dedicated meditation group, as many of you, we have travelled metaphorically, though many turns of the spiral over the past years of amping up our frequencies and constantly keeping as aligned as possible with Mother Gaia (Nugeena-tya)as She rises.

Much blessed have we all been, as many others of you have. For as portals of opportunity arise for the ‘assessment’, we regularly come through with flying colours, no matter how insecure we may be feeling about our positioning or our awareness! We are not being judged by human faculties! We are not being judged at all! We are merely being monitored as to where we are at, how we are holding up as energetic codes and patterns are regularly being downloaded to us . . . and how our energy bodies, Light bodies, Crystalline bodies – whatever you like to call them – how they are operating and integrating our cosmic-opening experiences during our integration as more highly, finely tuned cosmic beings of light and in alignment with our galactic neighbours of such higher frequencies!

Love is the key vibrationary factor amidst it all, via forgiveness of self & others plus gratitude for all.
Open your hearts with thoughts of your loved ones; with happy memories of days gone by & those ahead; by connecting sincerely and with gratitude to all people, animals, beings and places that you love and cherish, be they near or far, current or past. It is the opening of this Heart that also now, activates the High Heart. Then connect this with the Central Channel within your body to rise up to your Third Eye and most significantly to your Pineal gland within your head. Activate this connection with meditation practices using a small candle flame or beam of sunlight. Allow the beam of light (not the actual flame!) to touch your forehead & imagine it will penetrate into your pineal, but also incorporating your Heart & High Heart (thymus).  

For many of us well and truly on our own awakened journey , The Universal Journey, there will be no doubt that we will experience something magical, no matter on what level that occurs and do allow it to seep through and integrate within you over the following days & weeks after 11.11.11 <3

Blessed Be You Each in Your Divine Undertakings on
The Universal Journey.

(Interestingly: Concluded blog at 11.01 am =3,    29.10.2018 = 11.1.2 = 5 ie number of humanity, amongst other things)   5+3 = 8 = balance.

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