Wednesday 20 August 2014

The Virtue of Grace

Thurs 21st August 2014.

Cultivating Grace

A complete stranger falls
Right before your eyes
Do you walk on around?
 Do you help them to rise?

Practice Grace.

A friend has a trauma
Causes them to be strained
Do you walk on away then
Or offer them ground?

Practice Grace.

A personal tragedy strikes at your heart
Do you run in and hide?
Or take stock and remain calm?

Practice Grace.

Someone you love seems to have let you down.
Do you attack them or hold them
‘Til they turn back around?

Practice Grace.

Giving a loved one or stranger a break
When before you may’ve criticised
Ignored or debate.

Practice grace.

A person insults you
Or so it seems
Do you bite back at them quickly?
Or gently smiling depart the scene?

Practice Grace.

Cultivate Graciousness in everyday life.
Bring up the volume in the value of Life.
Take back your ownership of your own personal response
To a much kinder level where Life's worth is utmost.

Cultivate Grace.
Starwhite Earthguide.

Blessings once more 
The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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