Sunday 10 August 2014

August Super Moon!

 Mon 11.8.14

Greetings and Salutations from Starwhite Earthguide 

to you all on The Universal Journey. . . as we enter a brand new cycle occurring after last night’s ‘super’ full moon for August. This is the second of 3 ‘super’ full moon’s to happen in consecutively this year. And oh boy have they been intense!
I had totally forgotten that it was due until I saw it last night through the nearby trees . . .huge and round and golden, so beautiful.

Then it also explained the great intensities of energies around and buffetting me as I went through the last few days leading up to last night’s culmination. Mind you, often no matter how prepared I might feel even when I know a full moon is coming, it can still throw me around with its ‘energetic weight’.

The moon cycles remind me a bit of filling up a bathtub or a big receptacle of water. The Water element is also related to the moon as we know. But as the moon fills in those last few days before it is totally bursting golden and round, the energies it invokes become very intense and so they are really ‘super’ intense lately. So in the bathtub filling analogy, it is like the ‘supermoon’ actually causes the bathtub to overflow  – things suddenly become released, pressure drops and suddenly things snap into place (spiritually and energetically) as the end of the last cycle culminates and the designated ‘lessons’ or situations that have arisen, are ended or healed or resolved. Does that make sense? Of course this is a usual thing, but just more noticeable in the super phases. And so we then move on into the next part of the cycle as the moon begins to wane until it comes to that place of ‘no moon’ known as the New moon, where the energies are quieted and we are permitted to – almost wish-like- begin to draw things to us or plan intentions, spiritually, on a soul journey level that then become the focus of our subconscious spiritual growth or healing or alignment for that period until the full moon arises once again to signify the ending. Although as we know in cycles there is no ending just constancy, but a range of lilt and force of power in its energies.

So ,on the day before (Saturday), during the qigong class I included affirmative words from Louise Hay in the visualisation meditation, regarding ourselves as being balanced and peaceful in the changing cycles of our lives and to love our bodies as we do so. Seems this has turned out very synchronistically. . .I love it when that happens. And the qigong practice itself is such a wonderful support system in so many unfathomable ways!

And then as I notice the date above, the moon has introduced us to another gateway denoted by the ''11' and leading into a very balanced '8' , which when laid on its side you will notice becomes an infinity symbol. To me this pairing of 11 then 8, denotes that having passed through the last cycle and the super moon energies then leads us through the newest gateway and into balance and alignment of our true higher path for the coming period! How wonderful as The Universe supports us so preciously!

(If I come across a picture of this moon I will include it later.)

So be blessed by this super moon wash-over and be well and happy on
The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

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