Wednesday 11 March 2020

The Deep Turquoise Ray.

 High Heart Activation. The Deep Turquoise Ray.

Dear Beloveds!
I am so joyous after holding another Reiki class recently! Plus after a couple of power-number days ( of multiple 2's and zeros) vibes are heightened. This also leads to an ease of integrating new healings I have been personally doing of DNA stuff, which some others of you are also doing . Deep Turquoise (not aqua) has been one of my absolute favourite colours since childhood. Anyone else?  Mum even decorated our room in this when it was not actually in fashion around us back in the 70's.

So, I am inspired to write to invite you to assist you broaden your reality into new realms using a vibration of play and open minded discovery - if you so desire.
Free of prior beliefs, knowledge, stigmas, concepts - which are all absolutely changeable -  to raise our vibration and in a fun way! Plus very healing in an inter-dimensional way.
This vibration of play brings us into joy and it is the joy that is more easily creative and effective in manifesting. In this vibration we are child-like, with an innocence that relieves us of doubt, misguided apprehensions and trepidation! There is none of that as a young child who is totally embodying the present moment to moment; what the child experiences is immediate, sensory and adventurous. The child has no concept of boundaries or limitations. 
For example, when my daughter was a toddler and sat in a high chair she would astound us with her 'magic'! She had no idea that in physical terms a flat bottom object should not be able to sit balanced and steady on a rounded tubular surface which was much smaller in circumference! She had a sippy cup , she would take a back handed swig (perhaps like a sailor in a another life!) then swing it down plonk! - onto the rounded tubular cross bar of her high chair! The base of the cup was about 3 inches across where the width of the curved tubed crossbar was about 1 inch! She could do this magic trick over and over & did on many days. Mum watched her that first time and was very careful not to show too much surprise or say anything to put my daughter off , or negate her experience!  Mum just slid her eyes to me and said quietly to "take a look at what your daughter can do!" We were stunned & didn't make too much fuss - just relished in her total oblivion of 'rules'! 

The total innocence of a child cuts through 
the learned physical boundaries of this realm.

In this vein, I invite you to go there. 

Delve back to your innocence of childhood and find that freedom of illusion that crept in ever since. For it is an illusory world we live in. It has been screwed up and manipulated beyond recognition to where we can and should be, so that the real world is taught to be idol fantasy (or some mental illness). To dwell in the imagination where creation springs from is a State of Being encouraged in meditation and in tuning in to the heart frequency. The newer high heart frequency is the joyful innocence yet powerful Creator of our world. This I have experienced via the QHHT sessions I have delivered to clients accessing the subconsciousness, as well as in Reiki sessions and mystical meditation sessions with access to other dimensions within. 

For those of you who have been meditation students with me, this is a little different a technique I write below, and you may like refreshing.

High Heart Awareness Visualisation Practice: -

As you sit in your sacred space, breath, light a candle, ask for Divine Guidance, create that image I have used for so many years - to grow a glowing heart bubble of light which brightens and grows slowly to enclose your entire body & beyond. Be sure to ground through your feet and earth star chakra deeply into Mother Earth below & open your crown to the Source or Great Divine Spirit. Breathe in and blend these light energies within you.
Now place one hand upon your high heart (thymus - upper chest) and breathe that blend of lights consciously there so that a new bubble of light is created, acknowledging this special chakra into activation - saying 'it is so - 'now!' Imagine a pure deep turquoise colour emanating from your high heart. Allow this to grow larger and larger until it totally surrounds you, then acknowledge that this energy centre is your link to your higher self - always - and your child-like epicentre of utter pure and unattached joy.
You may like to gaze at the mandala image above.
Just allow - give yourself permission - to sit silently in this space of your high heart. Silently. Sensitively. Carefree. Lovingly (which may be a process to grow in). Without expectation or design. Gradually opening more and more. Breathe deeply, slowly at times taking the breath way down to your base, then to your feet. Then gently switch and breathe sending it upwards to your higher energy centres out through your crown and overflowing all around you. Sense this playful joy of innocence embrace you totally, it may take a few goes, but sink a little deeper each time beyond the layers to your unlimited self.

When you feel fulfilled , gently let go and breathe yourself back into this 3d realm with some gentle movements of your body to ground and drink cool water. Do not jump up quickly afterwards. 

You can practice this daily or as often as you feel - but no more than once a day to begin with so your energy body can integrate and adjust after each time. 

Another idea is also to include the use of specific music (perhaps on youtube) as you do this meditation, which is calibrated to the heart chakra frequency 528 Hz - which is the same as Mother Earth's. This can help anchor your new vibe you are creating. Both the heart and high heart are linked via an infinity bridge. Previous students of mine will remember that visualisation - imagine an infinity symbol linking the heart & high heart & use your fingers to trace that to embody the sensation. If you like colours, imagine the infinity bridge as pink and turquoise looping & flowing around each energy centre.

I have loved sharing this with you and would love your feedback of experience.

Love and High Heart Blessings,
The Universal Journey <3 

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Significant Crystal Healing - Scientific Evidence from Personal Experience. Participation in World Healing Events - it truly works.

Significant Crystal Healing - Scientific Evidence from Personal Experience.
Participation in World Healing Events - it truly works.

Greetings All on The Universal Journey!

Back in 2013/2014, I led my meditation group in taking part in a world event.
You will remember the catastrophe of the tsunami and Fukishima nuclear power station in northern Japan.
Back then, shortly after this event as things began to settle and people were able to get onto this disaster site, a call went out from a special woman, for people to send crystals imbued with individual personal prayers of powerful healing, love and intention.
Little Grandmother Keisha Crowther sent out a call to collectively send crystals to a laboratory in southern Japan where one scientist in particular was leading a study on the effect of using such crystals for healing in this way.
So our group could not respond quickly enough! From near and far I sent invitations to add to our bundle of gems. They were then posted as was instructed.
During the wait time, massive energetic things were also happening for humanity around the planet and in our group, and we continued to send prayers to the site (& and other sites of course)
Sometime later there was scientific feedback on the experiment we were involved in.

Below is the result of that experiment and re-reading it now, as I stumbled across it recently, I really wanted to share amazing this endeavor with you! Just think of how much more good we can channel to ANY parts of the world. And knowing what we know of Dr Emoto's work - we are limitless if we
also deliver the imbued crystals to sit in the waters that are connected to each other across the planet - into streams, lakes, seasides etc.

Blessings on your
Universal Journey Beloveds <3 .

**Credit is due to Keisha Crowther of course **

. ". . , with the love embedded crystals you sent to Japan, you did make a change! We presents you the first results of an experiment we have done in Japan, and the results are phenomenal. It shows that with our love and intention, our prayers, installed in crystals, we can remove radiation, we can help heal our Mother Earth,and ourselves! First results of crystal project To determine if crystals have a positive effect on the removal of radiation in contaminated waters, we decided to use some of the crystals installed with prayers and healing for Mother Earth by the Tribe of Many Colors to this experiment.
First Results from Crystal Project in Japan

We got help from the OMIC Engineering in Japan to perform this test. OMIC Engineering developed a product named ENEX Ceramic. It is made by refining natural ore. This ore looks like tourmaline. It is powdered into nanometer-level particles and then shaped into a ball. The way this ENEX Ceramic Ball is used is to put it into two liters of water and boil it. The cooled-down water now works as ENEX returned water. OMIC engineering did previous tests (without our crystals) and found radiation reduction, but not to zero. The procedure of the experiment and measurement:

1. The crystals used for this experiment were stored at a depository side by side with the stock of ENEX Ceramic Balls and prayers were given to them.

2. The crystals and ENEX Ceramic Balls sat together for at least one
month period before the experiment started.

3. ENEX Ceramic return water was made out of the ENEX Ceramic Balls
out of this depository.

4. ENEX Ceramic returned water was applied to the radiation-contaminated
objects; The levels of radiation of all objects (like contaminated fruits)
before the experiment was above 130Bq/kg.
Condition: object(s) soaked in Enex Ceramic return water for two minutes.
Result of Measurement:
Radioactive Cesium 134: Not Detected
Radioactive Cesium 137: Not Detected
Radioactive Cesium 134 and 137 combined: Not Detected
“Not Detected” means the measured value is less than 10 Bq/kg.

Experiments with only ENEX Ceramic Ball (without using the Crystals send by the Tribe of Many Colors) never recorded “Not Detected”, although the radioactivity level went down to some extent. As soon as we combined the crystals installed with prayers and Love and ENEX Ceramic Balls, and they started communicating with each other in the depository, the radioactivity went to ZERO!!!
Second results from crystal project in Japan
Fukushima s radioactive water (19800bq) was mixed with Omic enex reverse water and with the crystals from the Tribe of Many Colors). After one month: no count of radiations found, green algae and water weeds started forming in this water from nowhere! This clearly shows that LIFE FORMS came back in the ex-radioactive water with the help of crystals. As soon as we started receiving crystals from the Tribe of Many Colors from all over the world, these effects on radioactive water were shown. With our love, with our intentions and prayers embedded in these crystals we can heal the world! . . ."

Author: Keisha Crowther.

Saturday 14 December 2019

Cloud Catcher at Solstice.

Summer Solstice.

(Image credit Mt Warning Rainforest Retreat) 

In 2018, for Summer Solstice, I was called up by a Mother Mountain – Wollumbin - "cloud catcher". Otherwise known as Mt Warning, in northern NSW. I had been receiving lots of hints and nudges to visit her. In retrospect, for the journey of this year just passing (2019) – not only did she nourish and empower me with that visit, but unbeknownst to me at that time, she prepared me with a deeper vibration which I was going to need for the entire year of 2019. And as it seems, right up until this very end of it. Last year there was a full moon on our summer solstice which of course amped up those energies even more.

Many people know that this particular peak of our country is the very first to be touched by the sun’s rays as it rises daily. It is hence held in great regard and respect and woven into story and wisdoms.

So I travelled to visit Mother Wollumbin. Leaving as early as possible, I did not arrive for the dawn – but that didn’t matter. I was urged to enter her sacred space by a particular route, entering as if by a birthing pathway, along the flat valley floor beside the Tweed River and meandering deeper towards the embracing womb-like design of those magnificent range of volcanic plugs, the caldera.

This is Yugumbeh Country. For me, it is also the very first Country & people that I learnt about and whose territory ranges up to the edge of where I lived. So I spoke to these Ancestors before I departed my house asking them for guidance and safe passage. I held a little preparatory ceremony for myself and left , taking a few items of ceremony with me.

I was drawn to stop at several places by the roadside and by the river, where I sprinkled some sacred well waters each time and some sacred ash. All the way, I sang songs I had learned from my women’s law circle. The weather was cloudy to begin with hope of rain, and as I stopped at my first place to scatter the waters and ash, I looked up towards my destination with awe. Have you ever seen Mother Wollumbin shrouded in misty cloud? This relates to her name. But to add to my arrival at her feet, there was a rainbow arching up and across her to one side! I took this as a welcoming greeting & felt so humbly honoured & protected.

So that is the direction I took along my path to Mother Wollumbin: the side of the rainbow.

I will say only a few things about this day from this point as it is special to me alone. But I will say, if you visit sacred spaces, remember to look up at what the sky is showing you! Look down at what the earth is showing you around your feet! And look around you at the design of trees, rocks, hills and cliffs! There will be faces of the Ancestors of the Country watching you and imbibing you with a naivety, as an initiate, as you discover such simple yet potent aspects of the wisdom of the land you walk on.

The clouds on this day did amazing things, told amazing stories. And I have no doubt that there were Sky Beings watching it all too. And as with all experiences, there is always deeper understandings  that bubble up into the future.

So, as this summer solstice approaches, sense if there is a part of country that is calling to you.

There is a Global Silent Minute uniting millions of people across the world, to join in on the 22nd (for people in Australia) and from this you may feel a calling too.

So blessings to you on your
Universal Journey for the Solstice of 2019 and as a powerful integrating experience for preparation for 2020.

Saturday 17 August 2019

En-Lightenment from The Lady Nada.

Greetings to You Beloveds on The Universal Journey.

The Lady Nada is an Ascended One.  Also known as A Lady of the Seven Rays. 

She is an illuminated being of Light who has had several incarnations in different forms (as well as on Earth) and makes herself available for service to us if we should ask or if we reach a level of vibration or a guided direction of particular purpose.

Over many years I have had a few of these Masters/Ladies work with me both personally in my growth as well as for me to channel for my meditation/healer groups.
Now they only pop in occasionally, unexpectedly, and as I sat beneath the full moon after my beginning ceremonial thanks and dedications, I asked if there was anyone of the higher realms who would like to impart any wisdoms to me.

Sometimes to find a connection to “upstairs” for people unused to going there, it requires some effort and openness. But I had been found by a migraine the day before and having done what I do to alleviate that, I also was called to head off to the mountains that I know & several energy points/portals on the trip – including several trees.

Now prior to this migraine, I & some others, had noticed a difference in the light coming from the sun. It is hard to describe or define, but it seemed clearer, whiter, lighter yet also inexplicable. But the fact that it drew my attention was the interesting thing.
I know sometimes flares or other cosmic events cause light codes from our sun to change. Perhaps this happened. And as I heard from Lady Nada, this was not an unusual thing.

In hindsight, these changes are part of why I felt the migraine so strongly. The other part was the effect of the full moon reflecting these light changes. But the healing from the ancient forest & mountains was the best medicine I could have been called out to heal with. And Mother Nature did call me out very strongly.

Later that evening I sat outside with candles feeling deep gratitude for my healing visit and much more. I held a little ceremony between myself and Great Spirit, Divine Mother, and asked if anyone of the higher realms would like to share any info with me as I was so open to that then.

As soon as thought, a woman appeared wearing a shawl/veil over her head and shoulders. She looked in her middle age (but Spirit can show as any age or form!). Asking her name she replied using no words, that I might know her as Lady Nada. I did know she is an Ascended Master, but had no idea about her work or aspect she specialises in for humanity, or for me.

She did not ‘speak’ as such, but as often happens, planted concepts and phrases & images in my mind to clarify & also rectifies my inaccurate interpretations.

She is an “emissary of *Light”. From here on it gets a little metaphysical. Lady Nada works with Light in particle form – infuses Light particles into mitochondria – but can only infuse the particles into receptive mitochondria. This receptivity pertains to the degree of conscious openness of any person at any particular time. So a person may have a few moments of perfect opportunity for Lady Nada to direct Light particles into relevant mitochondria at particular points or areas of the body.

She proceeded to demonstrate on me. I could feel a jiggling sensation within an area of my body – but by example for comparison in this demonstration – not all over me. It was different to goose bumps. I am very familiar with this sensation over the years and now I have a clearer reason for it.

Sometimes the beams of Light may be altered by Lady Nada to integrate and communicate with our mitochondria – but in particle form. The infused particles can affect our **mitochondrial DNA – the aspect that holds inherited traits, issues, and illness in an energetic way from our ancestral lineage. She is able to transmute the particles as necessary, and in whatever way necessary to suit each individual, at any one specific time.

Now as I write the word ‘time’ – I am halted to explain that she wishes us to know that time is always relative and runs concurrently. Hence we can heal the past, heal our ancestors, our childhood etc. Not in a simple way to explain here, but felt and discovered personally by the use of different energy techniques and can be assisted by Lady Nada.
She suggests you try for yourself:  sit meditationally, call on her and ask for her guidance and healing assistance with the Light particles to be infused into your mitochondria, within your cells (she can best choose the site) for your own healing.

I will love to read of your experiences.

So here ends another blog. In great divine Love and Light.
I look forward to more adventures on The Universal Journey.

* I write the word Light here with a capital letter to differentiate from the energetic, vibrational & transformational form of Light I refer to, rather than from any other form of light from a 3d source.

** Mitochondrial DNA – these are the carriers of Light – actual scientifically discovered micro-organisms that always live within our cells – until we die and assist with life-force energy. They are inherited from our maternal lineage – our grandmothers. If any of you have been urged to follow the learnings of the Grail & other mystery schools, you may also know this.

 ***NB If you wish to share this or any of my blogs, do so without alteration and due credit to myself.

“Integrity of Learning" - Studying with a Genuine Teacher, Traditional Style.

“Integrity of Learning - Studying with a Genuine Teacher, Traditional Style.”

This blog began on a topic of one thing but transformed into another. So I do as I am guided – especially in my writing! The blog following this one is the message from the Ascended One. Enjoy & ponder both! - dear Ones on The Universal Journey.

Do you know of the Ascended Masters? Some in this era have never heard of these Beings who were a strong and illuminating part of the previous era. A group toward whom one might strive to contact or learn from, even though their lessons be awkward and difficult as they delve deeply and into resolving long held past life issues & unbalanced character traits etc, progress and raised vibration was well earned and grounded within the person after such effort.

This current era is very different to the previous.

In the previous era I, as many of us then, did most of my spiritual awakening in a very private and individual way with specific teachers in person, not online, who I was drawn to or arrived for me. Often it was in groups who developed a rapport & common sense of purpose or intuitive connection.

Sure the internet has opened up many and diverse fields for people to learn from within their own home. As well as many dodgy and unhelpful ones. It would never be contemplated to meditate using an app! It is a much more personal and private experience than that in which to truly learn, be guided, and be sent off with techniques to use for your own awakening journey.  

It is now more difficult for new awakeners to discern for themselves, especially without the prior experience of being in the presence of an honourable teacher.
We are being bombarded by marketing strategies that hack into our psyches & devices and have us believe that so-and-so has popped up for us at just the right time! Being guided by intuition or not, there are still valuable characteristics to learn and integrate within you for healthy growth. Due diligence is needed more than ever – and that in itself is exhausting!

But in the old way, we were shown how to respect the service and gifts and teachings by actually showing up in person, taking our time, (before it was trendy to say ‘being present in the moment’), making the effort in all kinds of weather & locations. If I was strongly urged then I would go. Even if the regular classes became a bit tedious or not always exciting and eventful, it was about being there, following some dedication, and sharing and allowing the understanding that things have ebb and flow.

Also it was about finding the resonance that builds when a group of people, in kindness and without gossip or judgement, gather. I always created a sanctuary for gatherers, and still endeavour to. There were also many integral lessons to be learnt just by observing the presence, manner, attitude, respect and so much more, from the spiritual teacher. And I had some awesome ones, who I learned not only about how to treat people with dignity, respect and integrity, but other teachers who taught me how not to make people feel when you have their confidence! It is about leadership in myself and creating discoveries of empowerment of the student.

I understand that people raising their vibration in this day and age may have a time of it. I offer many suggestions in my sessions but it is always up to the individual to discern for themselves. But some can be ever so simple to do, without much prior arrangement or time allocation. But then the perceived importance of the illusion of time is sometimes a challenge to overcome and that is another story altogether.

I am not here to profess that my teaching is the one for you - that is your divine choice and the fun of life!

Cheers for now Beloveds on
The Universal Journey.

If you are interested - see my website or FB page for my services, consults & treatment info.

“Starwhite Healing and Guidance.”

**NB If you wish to share this or any of my blogs, do so without alteration and due credit to myself.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

A Friend's Message - Advice & Confirmation.

Weds 31st July 2019. 

From the Alpha Centaurans:

“We pass through your skies often – yet not many of you see or seek or recognise.
You hold your faces downwards all too much, so you miss great opportunities that are granted you because of that. And yet you call out to your heavens above for help!

You have your faces, eyes, mind, brain (because these are two different things) and focus – on those things written on your digital screens. But we are HERE. We are in your reality – not the digital one.

Take time to reach out with your mind and your heart will follow once you become increasingly aware of our presence – of others like us – from seemingly far away to you, but truly not so far at all.

If you would take your Divine Time (see my *note below)  to join with us – set your own mind and intention and your innate psychic awareness towards us – we become more real for you and can align with you in your attempts to once and for all, align with your human cosmic galactic ‘destiny’ (although we would use another term more complex but this will suffice here for now).

So we urge you to lift your faces upwards. Look deeply into your heavens above and around your planet. Yes you may read so much is happening in the cosmos and sense so much which ‘disrupts’ you. But even this mindset of being ‘disrupted’ is a childish one, for you are awakening to become matured within the galaxy! But you also forget that we and others like us can assist and advise – especially if you agree most consciously – and can help you heal & ride the cosmic wave shifts.

This recommendation to you will become especially pertinent for the coming year of 2020, so it behoves you to begin practising now.

So take yourselves out of your doors, out from inside your enclosures; take your eyes, your ears, your minds, your consciousness and your energy fields totally away from your devices – leave them inside your enclosures. In this way you can re-discover the great open skies and deeper heavens that surround your planet so that we may more lovingly and purely engage with you and communicate more of our assistance for you – regularly!

Find us in the daylight clouds.

Find us in the pre-dawn morning sky and amongst the night time stars.

Beloved of Earth, we love you and depart temporarily, on our way – til our next. “

*“Divine Time” – this term they use refers to the time you do actually have which takes you out of human time frames, to where there is no time. It is in this no-time that we can be reached by higher consciousnesses/beings and for us to contact them. The time when you find yourself meditating as you wash the dishes, as you do the clothes washing, as you vacuum the floors or sweep the pool or do gardening, in the wee morning hours or upon newly awakening or just before sleep. Anytime you can let your mind drift to higher planes of consciousness – train it so, as it does require some discipline but is well worth it - as well as,  but not solely at your obvious meditation times.

N.B. Respectfully. . IF you share this blog - do so crediting myself and without extracting or alteration to the messages. 

If you are intrigued by my blog you may feel your Crown or Third Eye activating on reading this, you might like to follow a link I found afterwards as I investigated further – this I do after channelling for verification - about Alpha Cenauri A, B & C (3 star system with one planet at least similar to earth and crop circles. These people from Germany visited the English field designs and actually ‘wrote’ a message to the circle creators & got a reply re Alpha Centauri. N.B. I do not agree with his entire article, but leave it to you to be discerning for yourself as it is an old article and multiple complex authentic crop designs have been created since its writing.

Remember & practice being outside under the big open sky Lovelies!