Tuesday 3 February 2015

Catching Up

Weds 4th Feb.

Greetings All on
The Universal Journey.

“In the midst of this great creation where we live,  we humbly set aside a small time to walk with You and with the Divine that resides within us. . . “   S.E.

Today is a catch-up day for me. These words are channelled ones via me which I use in my meditation group sessions and which came as I sat to write just now.

I have had a very hectic week (and more), of preparing for my daughter’s 21st birthday celebrations with family travelling from interstate and friends from near and afar all joining to create a wonderful atmosphere of love and joy for my girl. We had a great time! As did she. But after such an event there is always lots of reliving , discussing, more laughter and digesting of the whole thing. I am still rebuilding my stamina! (so excuse any typos)

But I now have other plans to look forward to as well, as there can be such a drop in energy and spirit and there is a need to fill the void with new plans, pleasures, events and occasions. So knowing this, I have had new things lined up before that happened.

And so today I am only up to going very slowly in my tidy-up time since the relos have left and things have been scattered and left undone, as they do when we devote our little precious time to our visitors of love, and also as we have gone rummaging to bring out old photos and items to add to the stories we tell of the past and to reminisce.

And time now to just bathe a little longer in the afterglow of it all.

Be well my fellow Universal Journeyers.

Maybe take some time yourself, to “humbly set aside  a small time to walk with the divine within you.”
Starwhite Earthguide.

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