Wednesday 22 January 2014

Rainy Relief!

Rainy Relief! 

Thurs 23 Jan.

Greetings to You Good Fellow Travellers on The Universal Journey.

Well, after suffering  such heatwaves that seem to melt my body as well as my brain! - we are having some welcome rainy relief. I can only hope with fingers crossed however, that at this time of year, Mother Nature holds back on the deluges that she most commonly subjects us to. 

At least some areas here in Qld will now find this ‘Moisture from the Heavens’ preferable in staving off the other summer visitor – bushfires. Funny how it creates such a polarity, swinging from one to the other: that we can become anxious about the too opposite extremes of Nature - either flood or fire together in our southern summertimes. Other Aussie southern states of course are in need of further relief from their heated torments and it would be wonderful if you kind people could direct some healing and supporting energies to Perth and surrounds, South Australia, Victoria and NSW as always. 

And on the flip side (of our globe, almost literally!) there are our US neighbours who are suffering great and unimaginable cold, ice and snow! May relief come your way very soon too. 

As I write here I remember the opening stanzas of a poem with which I will leave you to ponder. I wrote this some years ago as I journeyed around our wonderous country, and which is included in my poetry books:
Songs of the Great Australian Spirit
Tis a song that I will sing you
Of the Great Australian Spirit,
Of the wilderness a-plenty
In the land of Southern Cross .
Come and gather close around me
Join in humming to the rhythm
Of the Great Australian Spirit
That breathes from this land I love .

The Calling of the Wilderness .

Listen closely all my dear ones
To the many changing rhythms
To the many changing heartbeats
Of this land that we are part of .
Seasons coming , seasons parting
Fill the neverending circle
That encloses all of nature
That encloses all of us .  

 For we are part of nature
And responsible as guardians,
Tender ever-loving guardians
Of this land that I do love .
Feel your heartbeat as it quickens
Feel the swelling of your lifeblood
As you sink into the cradling
Of the arms of this pure land .

Let yourself be swept up by it
Let your feet be free to wander
Let your heart beat light and strongly
To the wonder and the grace .

(If you reproduce this please give due credit to myself as the author)

So go well and safe and surely as your footsteps take you onward 
Dear Travellers on The Universal Journey.

Starwhite Earthguide.

Tuesday 14 January 2014



Synchronicity –
Makes You Sit Up and Pay Attention!

Don’t you just love it when this happens! It is truly a blessing of life and an extraordinary surprise that lifts your Spirit . . . and comes from your Soul and your Divine Guidance. It guides you on and gives you confirmation that where you are and whatever you are doing – is right, just for you, and also in the grand scheme of things altogether.
Bring it on!

Starwhite Earthguide onThe Universal Journey.

Healing Massage Magic

Healing Massage Magic.

Weds 15th Jan 2014.

Greetings Dear People on The Universal Journey.

Thank you to all those who may have asked for assistance for the people and areas I wrote about in my last blog ( 'A Little Help'). The area of fires and unbelievable temperatures has increased here across southern Australia and I hope you can find a little time to continue to send and ask for Divine assistance to those. Often we here in Queensland get the same weather a week or so later, but I am really hoping that it all can just dissolve away altogether very soon!

Now, on to other things!

How wonderful you can feel after a healing massage! Sure there can be a few sore spots after they have been worked on, but a great epsom salts bath with a few drops of lavender can help that.I have a terrific massage therapist who works on my aches and pains regularly and was a little overdue when I went yesterday. In this era of great dynamic change and with a need to keep up with ourselves, a proper energy infused massage from a therapist who truly resonates with you, is virtually a necessity. The process helps not only your physical symptoms but also helps move and shift emotional, mental and past blockages to your flow of qi (chi) which needs to be free to allow the best function of your entire bodies and systems. 

My therapist does not only practise Lomi Lomi, Reiki and deep tissue massage therapy, but also incorporates spiritual and life-energy work during the treatment. You would be amazed at the ‘issues’ that can come up to be healed and released as the treatment occurs, and usually are gone for good by the end of it. It is all a very individual experience of course , so results as with all things, differ - even from one treatment to the next. And also, as a healer and teacher myself, there is an added requirement to remain as clear and balanced as possible.

But it is always, and most importantly, about getting the most suitable healer for yourself at this particular period of time on The Universal Journey. A person who is perfect for someone else, may not be aligned with you. And someone who was good for you before, may not be now. We are all moving on. Make your own clear choices. My massage lady also continues to learn and add to her reportoire of knowledge and treatments, therefore, growing with the times. . . as we all should. There are a multitude of different healing forms out there and all suitable for many people because of our different stages, vibrational rates and personal choices. And this is as it should be during such a volotile and unruly period.

So, do not look at a massage any longer as a luxury. . . it is truly a necessity, to allow your body to be realigned, released of unwanted obstacles and refreshed to move back into the world with a clearer, better perspective!

Best wishes on finding your perfect healer.

Starwhite Earthguide on The Universal Journey.