Tuesday 21 January 2020

Significant Crystal Healing - Scientific Evidence from Personal Experience. Participation in World Healing Events - it truly works.

Significant Crystal Healing - Scientific Evidence from Personal Experience.
Participation in World Healing Events - it truly works.

Greetings All on The Universal Journey!

Back in 2013/2014, I led my meditation group in taking part in a world event.
You will remember the catastrophe of the tsunami and Fukishima nuclear power station in northern Japan.
Back then, shortly after this event as things began to settle and people were able to get onto this disaster site, a call went out from a special woman, for people to send crystals imbued with individual personal prayers of powerful healing, love and intention.
Little Grandmother Keisha Crowther sent out a call to collectively send crystals to a laboratory in southern Japan where one scientist in particular was leading a study on the effect of using such crystals for healing in this way.
So our group could not respond quickly enough! From near and far I sent invitations to add to our bundle of gems. They were then posted as was instructed.
During the wait time, massive energetic things were also happening for humanity around the planet and in our group, and we continued to send prayers to the site (& and other sites of course)
Sometime later there was scientific feedback on the experiment we were involved in.

Below is the result of that experiment and re-reading it now, as I stumbled across it recently, I really wanted to share amazing this endeavor with you! Just think of how much more good we can channel to ANY parts of the world. And knowing what we know of Dr Emoto's work - we are limitless if we
also deliver the imbued crystals to sit in the waters that are connected to each other across the planet - into streams, lakes, seasides etc.

Blessings on your
Universal Journey Beloveds <3 .

**Credit is due to Keisha Crowther of course **

. ". . , with the love embedded crystals you sent to Japan, you did make a change! We presents you the first results of an experiment we have done in Japan, and the results are phenomenal. It shows that with our love and intention, our prayers, installed in crystals, we can remove radiation, we can help heal our Mother Earth,and ourselves! First results of crystal project To determine if crystals have a positive effect on the removal of radiation in contaminated waters, we decided to use some of the crystals installed with prayers and healing for Mother Earth by the Tribe of Many Colors to this experiment.
First Results from Crystal Project in Japan

We got help from the OMIC Engineering in Japan to perform this test. OMIC Engineering developed a product named ENEX Ceramic. It is made by refining natural ore. This ore looks like tourmaline. It is powdered into nanometer-level particles and then shaped into a ball. The way this ENEX Ceramic Ball is used is to put it into two liters of water and boil it. The cooled-down water now works as ENEX returned water. OMIC engineering did previous tests (without our crystals) and found radiation reduction, but not to zero. The procedure of the experiment and measurement:

1. The crystals used for this experiment were stored at a depository side by side with the stock of ENEX Ceramic Balls and prayers were given to them.

2. The crystals and ENEX Ceramic Balls sat together for at least one
month period before the experiment started.

3. ENEX Ceramic return water was made out of the ENEX Ceramic Balls
out of this depository.

4. ENEX Ceramic returned water was applied to the radiation-contaminated
objects; The levels of radiation of all objects (like contaminated fruits)
before the experiment was above 130Bq/kg.
Condition: object(s) soaked in Enex Ceramic return water for two minutes.
Result of Measurement:
Radioactive Cesium 134: Not Detected
Radioactive Cesium 137: Not Detected
Radioactive Cesium 134 and 137 combined: Not Detected
“Not Detected” means the measured value is less than 10 Bq/kg.

Experiments with only ENEX Ceramic Ball (without using the Crystals send by the Tribe of Many Colors) never recorded “Not Detected”, although the radioactivity level went down to some extent. As soon as we combined the crystals installed with prayers and Love and ENEX Ceramic Balls, and they started communicating with each other in the depository, the radioactivity went to ZERO!!!
Second results from crystal project in Japan
Fukushima s radioactive water (19800bq) was mixed with Omic enex reverse water and with the crystals from the Tribe of Many Colors). After one month: no count of radiations found, green algae and water weeds started forming in this water from nowhere! This clearly shows that LIFE FORMS came back in the ex-radioactive water with the help of crystals. As soon as we started receiving crystals from the Tribe of Many Colors from all over the world, these effects on radioactive water were shown. With our love, with our intentions and prayers embedded in these crystals we can heal the world! . . ."

Author: Keisha Crowther.