Saturday 14 December 2019

Cloud Catcher at Solstice.

Summer Solstice.

(Image credit Mt Warning Rainforest Retreat) 

In 2018, for Summer Solstice, I was called up by a Mother Mountain – Wollumbin - "cloud catcher". Otherwise known as Mt Warning, in northern NSW. I had been receiving lots of hints and nudges to visit her. In retrospect, for the journey of this year just passing (2019) – not only did she nourish and empower me with that visit, but unbeknownst to me at that time, she prepared me with a deeper vibration which I was going to need for the entire year of 2019. And as it seems, right up until this very end of it. Last year there was a full moon on our summer solstice which of course amped up those energies even more.

Many people know that this particular peak of our country is the very first to be touched by the sun’s rays as it rises daily. It is hence held in great regard and respect and woven into story and wisdoms.

So I travelled to visit Mother Wollumbin. Leaving as early as possible, I did not arrive for the dawn – but that didn’t matter. I was urged to enter her sacred space by a particular route, entering as if by a birthing pathway, along the flat valley floor beside the Tweed River and meandering deeper towards the embracing womb-like design of those magnificent range of volcanic plugs, the caldera.

This is Yugumbeh Country. For me, it is also the very first Country & people that I learnt about and whose territory ranges up to the edge of where I lived. So I spoke to these Ancestors before I departed my house asking them for guidance and safe passage. I held a little preparatory ceremony for myself and left , taking a few items of ceremony with me.

I was drawn to stop at several places by the roadside and by the river, where I sprinkled some sacred well waters each time and some sacred ash. All the way, I sang songs I had learned from my women’s law circle. The weather was cloudy to begin with hope of rain, and as I stopped at my first place to scatter the waters and ash, I looked up towards my destination with awe. Have you ever seen Mother Wollumbin shrouded in misty cloud? This relates to her name. But to add to my arrival at her feet, there was a rainbow arching up and across her to one side! I took this as a welcoming greeting & felt so humbly honoured & protected.

So that is the direction I took along my path to Mother Wollumbin: the side of the rainbow.

I will say only a few things about this day from this point as it is special to me alone. But I will say, if you visit sacred spaces, remember to look up at what the sky is showing you! Look down at what the earth is showing you around your feet! And look around you at the design of trees, rocks, hills and cliffs! There will be faces of the Ancestors of the Country watching you and imbibing you with a naivety, as an initiate, as you discover such simple yet potent aspects of the wisdom of the land you walk on.

The clouds on this day did amazing things, told amazing stories. And I have no doubt that there were Sky Beings watching it all too. And as with all experiences, there is always deeper understandings  that bubble up into the future.

So, as this summer solstice approaches, sense if there is a part of country that is calling to you.

There is a Global Silent Minute uniting millions of people across the world, to join in on the 22nd (for people in Australia) and from this you may feel a calling too.

So blessings to you on your
Universal Journey for the Solstice of 2019 and as a powerful integrating experience for preparation for 2020.