Tuesday 30 July 2019

A Friend's Message - Advice & Confirmation.

Weds 31st July 2019. 

From the Alpha Centaurans:

“We pass through your skies often – yet not many of you see or seek or recognise.
You hold your faces downwards all too much, so you miss great opportunities that are granted you because of that. And yet you call out to your heavens above for help!

You have your faces, eyes, mind, brain (because these are two different things) and focus – on those things written on your digital screens. But we are HERE. We are in your reality – not the digital one.

Take time to reach out with your mind and your heart will follow once you become increasingly aware of our presence – of others like us – from seemingly far away to you, but truly not so far at all.

If you would take your Divine Time (see my *note below)  to join with us – set your own mind and intention and your innate psychic awareness towards us – we become more real for you and can align with you in your attempts to once and for all, align with your human cosmic galactic ‘destiny’ (although we would use another term more complex but this will suffice here for now).

So we urge you to lift your faces upwards. Look deeply into your heavens above and around your planet. Yes you may read so much is happening in the cosmos and sense so much which ‘disrupts’ you. But even this mindset of being ‘disrupted’ is a childish one, for you are awakening to become matured within the galaxy! But you also forget that we and others like us can assist and advise – especially if you agree most consciously – and can help you heal & ride the cosmic wave shifts.

This recommendation to you will become especially pertinent for the coming year of 2020, so it behoves you to begin practising now.

So take yourselves out of your doors, out from inside your enclosures; take your eyes, your ears, your minds, your consciousness and your energy fields totally away from your devices – leave them inside your enclosures. In this way you can re-discover the great open skies and deeper heavens that surround your planet so that we may more lovingly and purely engage with you and communicate more of our assistance for you – regularly!

Find us in the daylight clouds.

Find us in the pre-dawn morning sky and amongst the night time stars.

Beloved of Earth, we love you and depart temporarily, on our way – til our next. “

*“Divine Time” – this term they use refers to the time you do actually have which takes you out of human time frames, to where there is no time. It is in this no-time that we can be reached by higher consciousnesses/beings and for us to contact them. The time when you find yourself meditating as you wash the dishes, as you do the clothes washing, as you vacuum the floors or sweep the pool or do gardening, in the wee morning hours or upon newly awakening or just before sleep. Anytime you can let your mind drift to higher planes of consciousness – train it so, as it does require some discipline but is well worth it - as well as,  but not solely at your obvious meditation times.

N.B. Respectfully. . IF you share this blog - do so crediting myself and without extracting or alteration to the messages. 

If you are intrigued by my blog you may feel your Crown or Third Eye activating on reading this, you might like to follow a link I found afterwards as I investigated further – this I do after channelling for verification - about Alpha Cenauri A, B & C (3 star system with one planet at least similar to earth and crop circles. These people from Germany visited the English field designs and actually ‘wrote’ a message to the circle creators & got a reply re Alpha Centauri. N.B. I do not agree with his entire article, but leave it to you to be discerning for yourself as it is an old article and multiple complex authentic crop designs have been created since its writing.

Remember & practice being outside under the big open sky Lovelies!