Tuesday 2 April 2019

Autumn 'Remedies'.

Greetings to you on The Universal Journey.

Welcome to April where it is well and truly more Autumny in my neighbourhood! Loving it.

And how are you going with your energy and vibes since last month’s turbulent times?

Or perhaps you sailed through? Good for you!

If not, then you might like to hear about a few things that I am doing to ease back into balance and alignment with my true self compass, and reset back to that through the ‘Season of Change’ that is Autumn.

Not all remedies - energetic or otherwise - are of equal benefit to all people. Discern what suits your Self. 

Firstly I continue to take my vitamins, use several essential oils and flower remedies and an energy movement practice.

I continue to use a range of essential aromatherapy oils (mine are doTerra). I use Balance and have been doing so all of March, to help carry me through lots of hills and valleys. I also use frankincense at times when the cosmos is feeling really pushy or if I am in ceremony or sacred space. In incense form is great too. When the cosmos (or people) are really pushy, it is then that our immunity – both physical and energetic – can become rundown and more vulnerable. I regularly use the On Guard blend for some immunity as well and whenever I am going out in public. This I use especially when I delicately project my consciousness forward and cannot get a sense of what the vibe will be like at any particular place or gathering. But it is my all-round go-to oil anyway, with a great perfume.

Since I have been amongst and returned from staying with different family members, I am also using an Australian Bush Flower remedy. Relationship dynamics can have a very noticeable effect on us. Funny, as I no longer have the entire kit, my body still relates and calls me up to use them at times. Sometimes it is enough to merely gaze at one of the flower insight cards. But this time I was steered into a Health food store and ‘shown’ the blend I needed! Love that. As I was weary at the time, my higher self had little trouble guiding me in there as I wheeled past with my trolley.

The other major helper is my qigong of course. I’ve been sprouting the virtues, results and benefits of this ancient energy system practice for so many years now, that it still surprises me that people have never heard of it. If you haven’t – just ask me! Hahaha! Over the years, I have developed my own style and presentation of it as a matter of natural evolution. And what I absolutely love the most, is that the people who are drawn to come to learn from me, over a period of time, feel such a shift and a new awareness about themselves, their own energy field and that of Nature – this then flows out automatically into their entire life and view of the world around us. 

Sometimes the sensations are immediate. Sometimes they take a little longer to clear the meridians. Sometimes people are just soooo ready for change, that they fall into this beautiful practice spontaneously. It is positively healing on so many levels.
The other thing I do a LOT at the moment is smudging. Pretty much every day lately as not only are my vibes changing but other people in the household’s are, and mixing with rattly vibes throughout the day can bring home ‘unwanteds’. I like sage & white sage of course but also sandalwood and nag champa. There are so many options these days. Otherwise you can just use whatever you have – even if it is some dried herbs of your own. It is through the positive, cleansing, clearing and uplifting intention where the empowerment comes.

Anyway, I hope this is helpful for you too, and through the coming days of shifts and changes as the wind blows us in whatever direction we need!

I bless your today.

I bless your tomorrow.

I wish for you the highest vibe in all aspects of your life.

Stay tuned in on
The Universal Journey.