Wednesday 7 November 2018

Leading On to Alignment.

Greetings Beautiful Universal Journeyers.
As I so work with my meditation group, I share the following to continue to assist you in the best vibration to align with the 11.11.11.

Leading on from my last post to continue with engaging with the powerful opportunities from the numerological sequences:

The crystal grid image above was created for 1.11.11= Awareness of self at this point - (where/how/that I AM) . Awareness of Gateway Portal available & coming soon. Allowing/acceptance of self through Gateway Portal.

Today is  8.11.11  = Balance yourself. Align with Higher Self. Re-align with Higher Path.

Sunday 11.11.11 = Triple Gateway of Illumination (to be IN, as well as shed upon your previous & forward journey)
A great time to sit in contemplation of the past quarter time period & gaze with intention into the future. Bring a sense of openness and allowing for what ever pops into the stillness of your mind. For this gateway cannot be accessed unless there is at first a stillness within you. Remember & meditate on the High heart portal (thymus) activating and opening.
Gaze if you wish into the crystal grid here. Or better still to create your own. 

Beloved Intentions on your Universal Journey.