Sunday 26 August 2018

Illuminating New Aspects

Illuminating New Aspects.

Mon 27.8.18 = 9 + 8 + 9 = 26 = 8  
- a proliferation of 8's today ! A perfect one for you to find your alignment and balance! with additional 9's to assist in closing the old or letting it go.

On my nature walk today, as I wrestled to let go of a couple of little grey clouds overhead – or I might say, in my head – the nurturing forest took my gaze to a precious little scene.

I love mushrooms and toadstools. So as I had wandered and gazed around without really registering exactly what I was looking at, my eyes fell upon a cluster of tree trunk fungi. So heeding Mother Nature’s advice from her gentle prod to bring me into the scene in which I stood, I stopped my sauntering pace and breathed and looked.

As I stopped, the breeze rustled up the leaves around me; on the ground and on the trees. In doing this, brought my attention to detail. After standing in stillness, the movement brought my attention to the shifting pattern of light and shadow on the tree trunk and the fungi. The light and shadow moved across the forest floor, fallen leaves, up the damp mossy trunk and amidst the branches.

It took my breath away.

So taking my phone-camera out, I took several shots. And so as I looked at the photos I had taken, the initial words came for me to write here today. But that was not all.

I also heard my Higher Self/mind’s narrative of the imagery, explaining the detail to be admired and engrossed in; heard and considered, a reminder for me of how to view all things. About how, if we look at things from one direction, we can step around and look from another direction and find a totally new perspective and its hitherto hidden aspects. How to be able to find a fresh new beauty from just pausing, breathing, consciously blinking and changing our perspective and looking at it from a higher road. 

And so I ended up with the 3 photos you see of the beautiful delicate little fungi, from 3 different directions.

Can you see the shadow and light falling in different angles and forms in each one?

Can you see the pattern of form and structure differently in each one?

Can you almost smell the warm fragrance of the little scene as you delve into these newly illumined aspects?

I hope so. And I hope this little waffle-on of my experience has brought a little illumination for you to ponder in your own day.

Blessings from The Universal Journey.

Friday 3 August 2018

Walking on Celtic Sacred Ground

Greetings Adventurous Ones on The Universal Journey,
As I prepare for my upcoming women's workshop on sacred Avalon, I of course reconnect with those magical mystical clear strong Ancestral energies. . . which led to a poem. Enjoy in your connecting on The Universal Journey!

If you must share please do so in full, unaltered, & give due credit to myself as author.
Blessed Be.

Walking on Celtic Sacred Ground.
A Celtic Connection to long distant past
Lures the lucid traveller to follow its path.
Mystical learnings of true ancient site
Thickens the thread of Love’s pure delight!
Gently be treading on Soul’s sacred ground
Gently unravelling a heritage found.
Tearfully, openly weeping it plumbs
The deepest of Knowing from the Soul’s calling comes.
Treading on gently, utterly profound,
The links to the past are awakened, unbound.
Walking in moonlight,
Walking in myst
Brings pourings of wisdoms -
Celtic Ancestors persist.
From sods on a dull earth
To open clear skies
The Ancestors welcome you,
Time is denied.
So tread along gently,
Slowly, profound
To collect your inheritance
From this Sacred ground.