Thursday 12 July 2018

Eclipse Season and Surf's Up Dudes!

Eclipse Season is here and Surf's Up!

 . . . and its a doozie!  
Aloha Universal Journeyers!
These are my own personal perceptions I feel of this season of energetic shifts in abundance. Feel free to share this and help others who may need a hand:
"Seek to ride and glide with these big cosmic waves. If your best laid plans feel uncomfortable or are not connecting - let them go. Disengage. Withdraw your energies and thoughts back to yourself temporarily. Pause. Breathe. Sit and allow the new wave to wash over you, let them speak to you of the fresh directions available to you now. A new vibration is coming for you to dive into soon. Try to pull up anchor in some things that are pulling on your current energies. Let your boat float and drift until the waves wash you gently ashore in a brand new vibe, a new way of seeing, sensing and being. Follow the vibe of least resistance and of the strongest joy, ease and delight! Happy Surfing Blessed Ones! "

Dates below are courtesy of S. King ( gratitude for that) .
(S. King:12th /13th July Cancer New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse.
27th/28th July Aquarius Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse,
with a Blood Moon and will be the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century.
11th August, Leo New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse.
Both Solar Eclipses also have pedigrees with them,
so Mother Earth and all of us will really be feeling the pull.)