Saturday 16 June 2018

A Pre-Solstice Ritual

This morning, as I lay awoken in the pre-dawn hours, I was suddenly filled with a great joy/awareness (of something I had yet to grasp from my subconscious)  & urged to leave my snuggly bed to go outside. The EM field was crossing the horizon, and as I stood quietly for further inner direction, an idea came. . . So I collected up my requirements & headed to my little firepit. I had a simple ritual to do - to release, yes, but also most poignantly, to remember! I was guided to dissolve some old diary notes from many years ago. But first I flicked through them, and was amazed at what I had written, how I had felt (considering some less-happy memories were the most memorable from back then!). But what was revitalised within me - good warm loving memories. I questioned why I would want to sacrifice these to my little fire. I wondered how it would benefit me to turn these loving words into smoke and ash – and then I was awakened. This time alone here, was for me to do just that , remember and really feel the love that had guided me to this point in Life. It was for me to recognise and be grateful for the few people that I had almost forgotten from my ages-long past. That life seems like another totally different Life-time – I feel like looking back in this life-time, I am flooded with past-lifetimes along divergent lines of evolution. . . all in this time since my birth.
Such are the shifts of awakenings that occur. Such are the eye-opening revelations that come along the way at so many points in life, and things are never the same.
And so, I held my sacred little time alone in the dimness, coldness of the morning and ongoing evolution of my spirit and alignment with my Soul. I held my ritual of gratitude, love and devotion to all that supports me and has done so from deep places that have nestled within me and been forgotten. And now brought out into the light, where they are once again felt & released in my acceptance & just in a reminder for me, as smoke and flame hold, accept and drift them away and out into my Universe. In this manner of such, I know that renewal is found in my ongoing perception of my life-path as I have so often confirmed to be living a life in utter joy & gratitude! Ah-wen.
And as I type I am reminded of a poem I wrote some years ago too which came through from White Eagle. But that I will write that here another day, for it is mine to read again and find new messages within those divine words, for now.
Peace and abundance be with you on
The Universal Journey.

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Oh Boy! Hahaha!

Oh boy! What a day!

The week began so beautifully.
I met a friend at a place called The Crystal Castle near Mullumbimby in northern NSW. We wandered amidst the untold number of huge crystal chunks scattered liberally around the grounds, some big enough mostly to sit or even lie on. 

Others were arranged in layouts, or on pedestals to catch the natural light reflected in their geode forms, or had become seating arrangements for little people, and hand basins in the wash rooms! 

There are paths formed which wind you on a walk along a pebbly path through bamboo stands and rainforest enclosed pockets, ponds and designated sacred spaces overseen by the Buddha, Ganesh and other deities, including a Stupa with prayer wheels and a prayer tree covered in tags of blessings and word offerings.

Even under a cloudy, misty rainy day it was so refreshing and renewing to sit and wander amongst it all. . . and buy a crystal, a card and an incense or two.

After this lovely time, we headed down to the coast - near Byron Bay and spent the afternoon under an open sky on the beach with an enormous rainbow arcing right out in front of us as we set foot upon the sand for a beach walk! A little later a walk up a cliff gave us a perfect view with a wind that blew the cobwebs away and cleared my mind briskly. 

And I am so grateful for this time away in a place where I could re-boot and power-up a little, as the following days are proving a bit challenging! Now we await a new hot water system & installation after finding a leak early yesterday (which continues ), but may not be installed until tomorrow, as our decision was delayed due to another distracting family situation rising its head as we searched our options. It has also begun to rain strongly - set in for a few days I feel. Another tradie is also due very soon now to work inside, and everything inside is getting that damp feeling already. And my own work is piling up, with correspondences awaiting my attention - all around me, hahaha! So very opposite to the week's beginning. 

Of course this is nothing compared to some other days, or perhaps to your own right now . . . it is just an example and a story to share.

So I have been laughing all morning! Hahaha! I just found it incredible that this and more, happened all at once & it struck me funny!

I am also very grateful for a wonderful meditation session with  a group last night where our intentions were aimed at healing in different ways for each other. So of course this has  a bit to do with a morning mind-set :) 
So to those women, if you are reading this, I hope you have begun your day equally as jovial & seeing the lighter side to life :) 

Keep reminding yourself of those higher vibrational times you have experienced so as to keep it within your cellular memories, to create those new high vibe patterns as your base-line.

Coming from a Happy Rainy Thursday
 to You All on
The Universal Journey.