Wednesday 2 December 2015

Old Words

Thurs 3rd Dec.

Hello All on
The Universal Journey.

I hope you are well and happy - or heading that way.

At this time of year it is usual for many people to reflect upon the year that is about to end. There is also an energetic feeling around this where we can find deeper or clearer reasons for things that may have happened; find a bit more care and understanding; find a new perception or take a new direction, as even a mere thought, into the New year just over the horizon. You would have heard this all before over the years.

I have had a clearing out of some very old emails. Amongst those are many gems. Gems of shared awakenings by my dear friends; gems of wisdom as things became clear to myself and to others; gems of new ways of seeing things; gems of inspiration.

So I have not finished looking through these yet, but am enjoying these old words of which some now still have relevance, and others are plain endearing and re-inspiring to lift the spirit and trigger fond & sometimes profound memories.

So as the longest day/night of the year - Summer Solstice- approaches, there is also an opportunity to do some meditations of gratitude and project loving outcomes for the next year, make new or reinforce current connections, amongst many other things.

Best wishes to you at this special time of year. . . in whichever way you may celebrate or define it yourself. And may the new incoming year energies be fluid and uplifting to your life.

All for now.
Starwhite Earthguide
with loving blessings.