Wednesday 25 November 2015

Todays Numbers


Greetings Fellow Travellers on
The Universal Journey.

Re todays date 2+6+11+8 = 8.11.8 = 9

I just found it interesting and thought you may too that today's date is full of significant numerals'
8 = balance, also representing the infinity symbol which I use to connect (among other things) the Heart and Higher Heart chakras.
6 = the number of love
11 = divine or angelic gateway, doorway through which we may choose to pass
2 = the two's in life - male and female, yin and yang, light and dark, etc
9 = relating to karma or ending of a cycle

I find it interesting that the 11 holds an 8 either side , indicating balance to be found both before and after the gateway process. Something to find consolation in for people having a rough time!
The final number culminating as a 9 can mean a completion of karma not just for individuals on its wheel but also the human race as a whole in our evolutionary climb - our vibrationary scaling.
To begin with we find the number for love as a starting place which is also comforting.
And the 2 supporting further balance and alignment with opposing forces being complementary rather than at odds.

So take a Divine step today amidst the massive energy shifts occurring for us these days. You may find things balance out more smoothly and permanently if there is a loving focus , creative direction or intended higher outcome in mind.

Be well and happy on
The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.