Wednesday 5 August 2015

A Special Mayan Calendar Day

Weds 5.8.15

Hello Dear Fellow Travellers on
The Universal Journey.

Just a short note to say that this Saturday is a very special day with the date being 8.8.2015 = 8.8.8

It falls in line with the Mayan calendar and other ancient time recordings after their New Year date of July 26th. It is can be opportunity to align with ancient wisdoms of the
cosmos to carry us through into a new stage.

This is an asterix on the road map of The Universal Journey as we take it this year.

You could meditate with this in mind.

You may feel to take the time to realign yourself with a higher way of being, a new way of looking at life and your concepts of time in general and what Real Life means for your Real Self.

Project your wishes for better circumstances for yourself and the world and to be aligned with that.

I have remade a sacred circle in my yard and doing this may also help you to focus some of your intent. But for me it also just helps to gaze upon or sit within for reconnecting to the surrounding earth energies and balancing your inner self.

As you may have read in my last entry, I have also been called to visit the seaside. Connect with Mother Nature more closely and be grateful for her blessings to us - despite the calamities we may see around her. She is adjusting too.

Perhaps it would be an idea to create a double circle representing the figure 8 for this day.

Be creative and inventive. . .a precursor to more that is yet to come.

You may wish to read or re-read my entry on the Mayan Galactic Butterfly.

 There is some good info out there about this special day. Read with discernment for yourself as usual.

Blessings to all on
The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.

Monday 3 August 2015

Turquoise Heaven! and a Blue Moon.

Saturday 1st August.

Greetings and Blessings to you all on
The Universal Journey.

Yesterday as a special treat for us to end July, we had a Blue Moon. This means it was the second full moon for the same month. And it was spectacular if you could see it. We had a clear night sky and unimpeded view after it cleared a few trees in its golden robe. Happy wishing upon it too if you got the chance.

Earlier this same day I really needed to go to the seaside for rejuvenation. And oh my how it was that. . .in bucketsful! I stood and wriggled my feet into the sand and delighted in letting the waves wash over my feet and up my legs, and trying to catch me unawares, with my long tracksuit pants in their sights. The sun shone so bright and warmly from a rich blue sky, the breeze was slight, the sand all around was glistening and smooth and the sea was delivering gentle, small waves to the shore.

I was up to my knees in Turquoise Heaven!

I was absolutely absorbing all the rebalancing and deliciousness of the experience. Time did not matter . My eyes adjusted to the mesmerising fashion of the sea and waves. . . rolling in and rolling out. . . rolling in and rolling out. And I breathed it in and aligned my breath with Her. I gazed out across the magical expanse of open water and spoke to Mother Earth. I thanked her with tears in my eyes for her gifs of love and for calling me to her in this way, to the ocean. I breathed in and out as I re-attuned to her rhythm. I was feeling home, feeling back to my true nature, back in sync with all that is, and blissful in abundance.

Turquoise Heaven. . . a perfect naming, for our beautiful, magnificent planetary home resonates at the same frequency as the heart within our body. And our High Heart chakra at our thymus is turquoise. I noticed this space within me at the time by the sea too.

So looking forward to visiting there again and not have her calling me for so long next time before I get moving!

It was also perfect timing for me to begin my second precious class in my online course today. . .magical and synchronised and loving it. 

Blessings All on
The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.