Thursday 19 March 2015

Consider The Gliding Duck


Consider the Gliding Duck.

Hello Dear Ones on
The Universal Journey.

Consider the trail of the humble duck, gliding across a still pond.
The small wake that it creates bears testament to the presence and movement of the duck.
The low gentle wake fans outwards as the duck moves across the water.
The lines of movement gently slowly fan outwards further and further until the stillness of the lake absorbs the movement of the duck to replace it once again with perfect stillness.
The duck continues on , unaware of the temporary, gentle, subtle waves it has created in its wake.

You could view this parable from several directions, interpreting as you see it at this moment, from your current perspective or attitude. You may find different interpretations for yourself. None are wrong, just variable.
Of course many of us know of its significance in showing us that , like a duck, often there is a lot of work going on underneath and unseen, that allows it/us to seemingly move along so smoothly from the perspective above the water.

But in some cultures the duck represents happiness.
Consider the duck with its trail of happiness in tow.
Perhaps take something of that idea for yourself and spread it along in your own wake.

Happy Autumnal Equinox Eve and may it bring you great balance and harmony to step out in a renewed and vibrant energy.

Blessings on
The Universal Journey.

Starwhite Earthguide.

Saturday 14 March 2015


Sunday 15 March 2015.

Greetings Dear Ones on
The Universal Journey.
Wow, I so love Autumn! It is my favourite season of the cycle of changes.
Autumn – the word itself relates back to ancient times. It relates to Atum – the single God revered and spoken of and prayed to by Hermes Trimegistus – the author of The Emerald Tablet.
Autumn , for me is mystical.
Its quiet subtle breath upon the climate, ushers in waking times of such an ancient transformative essence, for any who can allow themselves to just lie untouched as they wake from sleep, for a few moments before the earthly beginnings of their material day.
To do so, lie in profound attention to the change in the surrounding bird calls, fresh cool temperatures and different aspects of sunlight as the sunrise creeps across the horizon during these months, slowly towards its winter place. This act of simple awareness and allowing of yourself to be exposed to such a shifting energy of the Autumn, can open your senses to divine and subliminal messages and connections to deeper realms and past anecdotes of loving times and experiences.
Base your Autumn changes on love.

Take care and tread surely dear ones as you travel w-hol-y on
The Universal Journey.
Starwhite Earthguide.