Monday 10 March 2014

Autumn Release

Tue 11 Mar 2014.

Autumn Release.  

Greetings Dear Fellow Travellers on The Universal Journey.

I woke this morning with the word ‘release’ in my mind and feel that this day is one good time for that purpose. This also falls in line with the beginnings of the beautiful (and my most favourite) season of Autumn. The magical qualities of the Autumn light bring forth a delicate yet underlying potency and time of profound change to the world. Autumn heralds the approach of opportunities for release and forgiveness and a fresh look at your world, once the old has been left to be blown by the winds of change and growth. 

With regard to our all-pervading energy environment - have you noticed the subtle shifts and the gentle building, adjustments and alignments occurring over the past weeks? More noticeably within yourself? We are preparing for another step up very soon along the vibrational paths we are traveling ; the ascending wave that builds periodically for our own unique forms of spiritual development and enlightenment, and the higher good of the entire planet and inhabitants.

In alignment with these amping-up energies, find those special points in nature that are windows or openings that supply us with more pure forms of relief and nourishment – sense key areas that are portals of love-infused ‘nests’ , which allow you to realign with yourself, fine tune to balance with these new energies and leave feeling filled with a higher aspect and vibration of yourself to carry on back in the ‘unreality we call life’ in the physical. These visits also assist the more fluid processing of the internal flows of energy which can be more easily allowed to follow our meridians of qi (chi) or lifeforce energy lines.

Be like a great tree being blown by the wind, feel your roots firmly planted and spread into the stabilising Earth. Meanwhile feel the strength and extension of your trunk, sturdy, which reaches upwards from the Earth base and then branches outwards in all directions. And allow the winds of change to move and sway those branches and leaves. 

Let those leaves which have fulfilled their duties, be released. We have new ones ready to come into foliage. When we can let go of  release -  anything that we no longer need or was of our old self, we are immediately free to move forward and upward! There is no need for struggle . If you find you are struggling to hold on tight to something – be it an idea, a plan, a belief , a relationship issue, whatever – just take yourself aside and sit very silently. In that inner silence find a place of ‘utter surrender’ to the Great Divine Universe, God, Great White Spirit, or whomever you name as the highest creator. 

This place of utter surrender is liberating! In the aura of utter surrender there comes trust in the Higher Power through your own Higher Self, your Divine Self, to guide and allow you It’s full extent of power to assist you along your Universal Journey. For sometimes we cannot see past our own swirling vortex of illusion about how life appears, one which we have created around us that holds blockages to our own advancement.  

So allow yourself some silent time to release, release, release. If it is easier, imagine your problems or issues are balloons on strings or bubbles afloat and just let them go. God or The Universe will heal and reconcile and you are free to redirect your energies in a more positive and uplifting way for your highest good and for those loved ones around you.

Then you can become free to be a higher aspect of your own truer self, find a fulfillment in that position and a stronger clearer guidance from within that is the place of your connection to the Creation Source and your Divine purpose and life-plan. Ask for the release of aspects of past lives that hinder your expansion. More and more, karma is becoming invalidated and redundant. Come to really know this for yourself  and there lies another great release, and relief. Of course little things may and crop up momentarily, but do not be bogged down with them, release them too along the way.  Also revisit my past blog entry the poem “Utter Surrender” from last year – it will have a new meaning.

So enjoy this time of much more to be discovered from within yourself as your higher self emerges more fully into its divine form – just you – and then so much more. Take gentle steps, deep breaths, stretch yourself, your mind, your imagination and intention. And go lovingly out amongst the world.

Blessings on Your Universal Journey.

Starwhite Earthguide.

P.S. You may find 'Lord Ganesh' (or any other Masters of course) to be of assistance with your releases as he can help remove obstacles. So be aware of any elephant things cropping up around you or his image itself.

Sunday 2 March 2014

That's When . . .

March 3rd 2014.

" When you feel like you just want to run away and hide, that
Is when you really want to be found."
